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[词典求助] 这个英汉大 字 典 是个什么东西?iPhone上的



发表于 2013-10-4 18:13:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
( t$ d4 O& p9 Y1 Y% D1 [6 z+ f& E" R9 ~7 z  s
0 d0 d' m/ c5 z( W
, d7 \8 d5 I6 o' U0 q# I1 Q


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发表于 2013-10-4 23:00:57 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2013-10-8 10:08:16 | 显示全部楼层
数据取自海词,参考:http://dict.cn/pace,质量比较一般。单看pace条,就有个错别字。4 N9 |, H( ]- V- M9 ?
: U/ L3 t' k9 g) m% z; Z1 i* x* iv.踱步;(用步)测;(马)溜蹄走
- u9 K; {, b) F: n# l. [prep.用在人名前(礼貌表达不同意见)
! J; }5 H  t: C% A; i# R: w0 Q$ V# k

$ D* e+ y2 ^% b: c4 J5 Q) Y* h英汉大词典是这样的:$ T4 t2 T8 O( T, b' ?
: I- M# a) J: f0 h


 楼主| 发表于 2013-10-8 10:41:37 | 显示全部楼层
Oeasy 发表于 2013-10-8 10:08 - I" |- F4 L( D. J4 b

& P! p8 u# i; p你这英汉大词典的数据   
$ z( u- g- W" f, n我也想要,能分享吗?


发表于 2013-10-8 12:17:42 | 显示全部楼层
sou111 发表于 2013-10-8 10:41 : P. m8 y. Y3 X. y
9 ^: x2 S( ^) F& F+ o+ J, B我也想要,能分享吗?

. ?, Y2 U. N; G, [& }. |' R+ P5 D5 p/ k
没问题,不过目前只有这不完整的一条,我自己手动敲的。{:5_227:} # }" c. u) w$ k" g& S4 z& ?+ g

- c5 ~" r/ T: ?6 \
<Lemma><Lemma.LemmaSign>pace</Lemma.LemmaSign><POSGroup>- w9 z2 t( U1 r# h
<Sense>  J( g) x. A& L' f
& s7 I+ J$ J- D7 f <Sense.SenseNumber>1.</Sense.SenseNumber><Definition><Definition.Definition> (一)步</Definition.Definition></Definition>:
2 ]# H: s% ^0 ^8 f/ k/ |- c* x<Example>
2 l8 N9 x) n* T6 |7 T<Example.Example> He took three <Underline>pace</Underline>s forword.</Example.Example>$ w5 u) {5 J3 C8 m
' B" V) m6 z1 n+ k7 f) g( d, s
<Example.Translation> 他向前跨了三步。</Example.Translation>
2 T$ F( f/ ]% \& ~  e9 c6 `) n</Example>, v$ f& O5 S% S
4 @7 y7 e) e6 L3 s7 y* J; N# U5 z9 o8 e7 c, C1 B1 s' {: q
<Sense> <Sense.SenseNumber>2.</Sense.SenseNumber><Definition><Definition.Definition> 步(指行走时一步的距离,有时用作长度单位)</Definition.Definition></Definition>:5 j& g6 z0 ^% u2 P4 Q' _; l5 l0 h# B
2 v) e7 |6 o) l& ?- p$ n6 O& Q<Example.Example> The fence is then <Underline>pace</Underline>s from the house.</Example.Example>' S- f* i% l, A- a2 u8 l

* Z/ w1 o7 i) w2 w' ~<Example.Translation> 篱笆与房子相距十步。</Example.Translation>6 z' c6 E: }+ f2 F  ?) X' t
</Example>2 D( p- c- ]4 Q' ?5 c+ R
- T% l0 _2 }3 ^* y& h
/ H2 K. _0 u3 {) n<Sense> <Sense.SenseNumber>3.</Sense.SenseNumber><Definition><Definition.Definition> (行走、跑步等的)步速</Definition.Definition></Definition>;<Definition><Definition.Definition> (生长、进展等的)速度</Definition.Definition></Definition>;<Definition><Definition.Definition> 速率,节奏</Definition.Definition></Definition>:
- F& z7 V4 {* z+ M7 y5 {' T" V& D' ?<Example>
5 C6 }8 G# R9 o, g/ B<Example.Example> proceed at a leisurely <Underline>pace</Underline></Example.Example>
  @3 ]/ `- c4 Q7 w% a$ M: P3 x0 B1 T3 i. A2 o1 w, P! Y2 L5 Q! ]- x
<Example.Translation> 悠然前行</Example.Translation>
6 w/ }7 l6 E. b</Example>
* f6 D9 E# A; w1 R/ K7 m$ g. K) o  p7 u& z! E( \
+ V2 y5 a+ Y! b0 x; N% U<Example.Example> hike at a rapid <Underline>pace</Underline></Example.Example>; }( u, p' A1 s. @' @( U
& O$ F: u) e8 b8 ~) Q" T
<Example.Translation> 快步远足</Example.Translation>
+ M- X! f; o# @</Example>
4 v. V) {( }* W
/ [) B# D9 Q! U. Z8 F<Example>
) A: ?; R$ H& o& e( j$ ]: m<Example.Example> increase (或quicken) one&apos;s <Underline>pace</Underline></Example.Example>. f1 m1 m% _& @6 T0 |

, G$ ~; X7 M& N$ t8 o# t$ r1 _<Example.Translation> 加快步伐</Example.Translation>3 v- _4 C* c* t1 ~7 N3 e
</Example>, P( O2 t1 @! ^- p5 m6 G

& u5 {  x  ]. o$ `" F. w0 n<Example>/ r$ M! j6 N1 J& H& q0 m2 e
<Example.Example> slow down the <Underline>pace</Underline> of new-product development</Example.Example>1 |  x! ?- [7 R

- c" s* l% Y, L# a5 W+ P9 ?, q<Example.Translation> 放慢开发新产品的速度</Example.Translation>
0 ~: E9 z; u& e</Example>, S0 y8 q/ H1 q! k

' ?# Z$ Q2 @0 ?8 L" w# a# V5 L<Example>
' R) G2 |9 H6 e' Z4 ^9 i  B<Example.Example> the <Underline>pace</Underline> of life in Washington</Example.Example>
& o# S& J2 g$ c) m, G2 M# o, S4 A  f  Q% W9 V5 H9 c) _, W
<Example.Translation> 华盛顿的生活节奏</Example.Translation>& n* i0 h3 C$ w- V
</Example>! X9 L& ~* N! ]* H8 e
</Sense>! y) K) V+ h9 Z8 }+ X2 Z- D
5 Q5 ?  f/ Z' p( K
<Sense> <Sense.SenseNumber>4.</Sense.SenseNumber><Definition><Definition.Definition> 步态,步法</Definition.Definition></Definition>;<Definition><Definition.Definition> 侧对步(指马的同侧两蹄同时举起和放下的步法)</Definition.Definition></Definition>:
1 T4 t. F: k" D1 Z<Example>
+ `8 v, [$ \3 [( M+ @+ p<Example.Example> He set out at a jaunty <Underline>pace</Underline>.</Example.Example>; Q5 e, u& W4 v  M2 W
9 [& [) C, B% |
<Example.Translation> 他迈着得意扬扬的步子出发。</Example.Translation>
% x3 Y; W9 J, t4 n5 t6 W# s4 j</Example>
  k' \5 s! u5 i+ q0 k# u</Sense>* X% H2 J9 \9 t. _6 W; k

7 B1 a8 J' |4 D0 \. p) Q* {<Sense> <Sense.SenseNumber>5.</Sense.SenseNumber><Definition><Definition.Definition> 流畅</Definition.Definition></Definition>:9 x; S! L/ {5 w" R' n  T4 N
$ A( J7 r7 a" `+ f<Example.Example> write with <Underline>pace</Underline></Example.Example>9 f9 U2 _% Y. G+ N: {- u9 A
  D! s' @5 M* Y7 }  T& j
<Example.Translation> 流畅地写</Example.Translation>
8 E: C" \1 x# v6 m3 W</Example>2 J# @) ?  I6 G2 _0 r8 V
</Sense>  V  m  D' S' J: l

( J8 E( O# c& l  Z4 r2 D' k! E<Sense> <Sense.SenseNumber>6.</Sense.SenseNumber><Definition><Definition.Definition> 常规,惯例</Definition.Definition></Definition></Sense>
, G. b7 n. X  h
( g4 I7 @- Z5 r% V/ g1 I6 ~3 W<Sense> <Sense.SenseNumber>7.</Sense.SenseNumber><Definition><Definition.Definition> (赶超的)榜样(尤指比赛中的第一名)</Definition.Definition></Definition></Sense>
# ~* Y, K" D8 U) y  o$ j( V
) B+ @+ z" W  Y9 L3 J7 i8 |<Sense> <Sense.SenseNumber>8.</Sense.SenseNumber><Definition>【<Definition.略语(二)>建</Definition.略语(二)>】<Definition.Definition> 梯台,楼梯转弯处的宽台</Definition.Definition></Definition></Sense>
; R. e: R/ I. Z</POSGroup><POSGroup><POSGroup>
9 ^% p/ M8 U# X4 N4 S# q& ?- o<Sense>
7 m) G1 W7 d( j <Sense.PartOfSpeech>(verb intransitive)</Sense.PartOfSpeech>/ r" R0 I( e" k+ ~8 n# t
<Sense.SenseNumber>1.</Sense.SenseNumber><Definition><Definition.Definition> 踱方步</Definition.Definition></Definition>;<Definition><Definition.Definition> 神经质地走来走去</Definition.Definition></Definition>;<Definition><Definition.Definition> 行进</Definition.Definition></Definition>:
. l, |  H& l0 \- {; }<Example>4 S# {) a" b8 Y( S6 {# o9 ~3 N
<Example.Example> He <Underline>pace</Underline>d slowly around the room.</Example.Example>" @: ]& K' T# P. U6 ?

# p! s; t0 D9 A* B4 V! b7 I3 X/ c. I<Example.Translation> 他慢悠悠地在房间里踱方步。</Example.Translation>
5 f; E* @% Z: O* P, v* L</Example>
9 e% L$ g5 D) S0 s5 _- [+ y</Sense>
  @( F- n6 Q& }9 ~! N1 {# M+ e7 N7 ~+ G& R. ~
<Sense> <Sense.SenseNumber>2.</Sense.SenseNumber><Definition><Definition.Definition> (马)走侧对步</Definition.Definition></Definition></Sense>
4 c. j' u  c6 d' U/ @</POSGroup><POSGroup>/ J7 |( Z. m& C: j! P
<Sense>( I& n. n' E1 c4 b0 z5 l# ]5 |% X
<Sense.PartOfSpeech>(verb transitive)</Sense.PartOfSpeech>4 Z7 S. V, B. G8 X+ k) e
<Sense.SenseNumber>1.</Sense.SenseNumber><Definition><Definition.Definition> 踱方步于</Definition.Definition></Definition>:& E4 Z. d5 x: G3 r
<Example>! {  ~' g6 f5 Q- J
<Example.Example> He <Underline>pace</Underline>d his newly recarpeted office.</Example.Example>9 @$ G" i1 `* l8 U* M- W5 Y& {

, v/ Q4 `% w/ ]; P4 \, v<Example.Translation> 他在新换过地毯的办公室里踱来踱去。</Example.Translation>- x( Y8 w1 u- O6 O8 k8 f" I
</Example>5 y7 x$ @% |' V! I1 ?- r& K

7 K, G. R2 w# M/ u( H, A<Example>! C  j3 y* t/ Q% c) r7 g+ z0 \
<Example.Example> She paced the room angrily.</Example.Example>& M9 N1 C7 y* T$ @  L2 f' \& c

/ A5 n- {  ^2 X, }1 o5 p& P* U<Example.Translation> 她气呼呼地在房间里走来走去。</Example.Translation>
0 Q4 e; z' f7 }* e</Example>+ b# \! `, ^. H& k1 A  \8 V; g
5 I/ d1 c" B' G0 \' n6 ~' V
/ U) J% V" n! R' P+ ?4 ~' {<Sense> <Sense.SenseNumber>2.</Sense.SenseNumber><Definition><Definition.Definition> 步测</Definition.Definition></Definition>:& P  R1 C) H& ]8 Z7 y( o
<Example>' t% Q8 V! @, G1 `1 i8 A1 w' q' j
<Example.Example> <Underline>pace</Underline> out (或 off)the distance between the two pillars</Example.Example>7 ^: B9 B  [7 [  l$ i4 c: }( r

7 v6 t6 H* {$ U2 C<Example.Translation> 用步子测出两根柱子间的距离</Example.Translation>6 k2 W) s7 `8 m* z3 c' o
</Example>( ^# b9 F% v' _1 v/ ?' C
</Sense># p# z# y- s/ S0 O( w
! O+ A: h3 W% ?
<Sense> <Sense.SenseNumber>3.</Sense.SenseNumber><Definition><Definition.Definition> 为…定步速(或速度)</Definition.Definition></Definition>;<Definition><Definition.Definition> 调整…的速度(或步调)</Definition.Definition></Definition>:
/ @! v1 L8 p6 I, ~2 l& M4 I<Example># O; m) u! T1 @2 W/ o4 t
<Example.Example> He <Underline>pace</Underline>d the runners at ten miles an hour.</Example.Example>
8 G- G3 y- l0 w0 u5 b: h/ m$ v3 h1 |; }3 z
<Example.Translation> 他为跑步者规定10英里的时速。</Example.Translation>- X3 O) S- `5 U) q
9 Z# P2 Y6 X! E* d7 [$ q# R8 I1 L9 G
8 W' n& k& |% V- M1 A: f" L) D2 l0 N<Example>  m; t" G4 M2 ^. q4 u
<Example.Example> I <Underline>pace</Underline>d myself not to get too close to him.</Example.Example>
* _! s9 }) d& z) o& ~& c; ~, o* u8 }* Z2 j0 ]
<Example.Translation> 我控制好步速,使自己不至与他太靠近。</Example.Translation>" o  U9 Q$ b" ~' {
</Example>2 T. W% ~: q2 W+ m" U0 o; ]  H( H9 P
( T- k1 e: s+ ~6 z3 ?' j) b
5 W. A, [0 f0 ~$ N. g4 R7 M<Example.Example> The teacher <Underline>pace</Underline>s his teaching to his students&apos; abilities.</Example.Example>
8 t3 o3 }' M/ i  T+ W! S
% c' f! ^+ K4 K( U" g<Example.Translation> 教师根据学生们的能力调整教学进度。</Example.Translation>
: I3 k+ x% r  c- g. e</Example>. F& R& r( u5 M/ I8 K
</Sense>4 }* b# F) n: u) ~5 I9 ~
# D' ?: Y) O( D' j% B& `0 E
<Sense> <Sense.SenseNumber>4.</Sense.SenseNumber><Definition><Definition.Definition> 领先于</Definition.Definition></Definition>;<Definition><Definition.Definition> 为…树立榜样</Definition.Definition></Definition>:
! e0 R( `" N  |0 r! H8 G<Example>1 y, L  H5 v- h4 S! y
<Example.Example> Team A <Underline>pace</Underline>d Team B with three hits in the sixth game.</Example.Example>
- b5 o: y; F) ?* {% f7 m) y# u' h2 K$ ~+ y& u* ~4 B( C7 F
<Example.Translation> 在第六局比赛中甲队领先乙队3分。</Example.Translation>
5 V) f+ p; a0 I</Example>
7 U' m$ F7 W; f; B& h- L! E; T</Sense>; A0 B7 o2 G2 z( ]9 ]* G' ]- d
/ {, v. O( L) Y$ \) R' H
<Sense> <Sense.SenseNumber>5.</Sense.SenseNumber><Definition><Definition.Definition> 与…同速前进</Definition.Definition></Definition>:* F1 t: n6 t+ R5 q2 {
<Example># k& R( u+ Q' w. m6 A
<Example.Example> The speed of the machine may be regulated to <Underline>pace</Underline> the packing operation.</Example.Example>; e( y: Q7 W2 }% H  G/ h  N$ `! a

8 g) Y" L+ t& k5 r* V<Example.Translation> 机器的速度可调节得与包装速度一致。</Example.Translation>
7 t' k9 U6 H3 r( Y# X1 E& t& j) L</Example>
2 t/ Y! S6 N/ k, `</Sense>
1 ?9 [7 J$ R# T' O- S
4 p; U( c$ S5 U" p# Q0 o; q<Sense> <Sense.SenseNumber>6.</Sense.SenseNumber><Definition><Definition.Definition> 训练(马)的步法</Definition.Definition></Definition></Sense>
/ S* U; B. a7 Y! h$ [9 y& Q) F5 Z7 B2 k% x2 ?. k
<Sense> <Sense.SenseNumber>7.</Sense.SenseNumber><Definition><Definition.Definition> 走过(一段距离)</Definition.Definition></Definition>;<Definition><Definition.Definition> (马)以侧对步跑过(一段路程)</Definition.Definition></Definition>:
/ c' t) o; P7 K; {( ]1 r3 V1 s9 b<Example>( v4 z, X0 T- X/ @5 w% m
<Example.Example> The horse <Underline>pace</Underline>d a mile.</Example.Example>) {; K; e: Y/ J% b" N. ^7 J) L
1 ]. \, E6 ~! J, J: n% N5 Y
<Example.Translation> 这匹马用侧对步跑了1英里。</Example.Translation>
4 Y9 |0 F: {/ h</Example># W  P; K3 g" w% y6 e7 V! f
; \) s3 w9 w! i2 h) e6 ^% A: w. z( W</POSGroup></POSGroup>
) X1 ~( Z; Q% F% B  T</Lemma>

# ?  i$ d6 ~( s9 N6 k
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