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[语言讨论] stepbrother等的误译

  • TA的每日心情
    2019-1-18 23:55
  • 签到天数: 230 天


    发表于 2020-1-7 18:57:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    吐槽向。, o, c# l" H; ~& h
    牛津英汉:NOUN/名词 (elder brother by same father) 同父异母哥哥 (elder brother by same mother) 同母异父哥哥 (younger brother by same father) 同父异母弟弟 (younger brother by same mother) 同母异父弟弟
    2 ?5 w; A1 I  h  S" C
    ) @7 i: @: v+ G. i3 ?. G# h- L7 T# M- q/ \$ j" j, [
    新牛津(这个我只有mdx的):NOUN a son of one's step-parent, by a marriage other than that with one's own father or mother同母异父(或同父异母)的哥哥(或弟弟)
    " T8 i! P& w2 {) Q. l2 u& P
    " j* @% f( y' T7 `看新牛津里英文部分应该能看出些问题来了。( n8 t7 c( ?- H4 z: T8 Z) x
    牛津高阶9:the son from an earlier marriage of your stepmother or stepfather 继兄,继弟(继母与其前夫或继父与其前妻所生的儿子)
    + `% t5 o: ^4 X* K: ZWebster online: a son of one's stepparent by a former partner
    0 k7 P$ }/ C4 f* O* E/ d: y: AOED2(online一样,词条还未更新):A son, by a former marriage, of one's stepfather or stepmother.2 v/ e1 d) f3 u# K! A5 N& H
    , }5 f. ~6 g( K0 k2 P
    8 J1 I+ \  d" f3 U& aChambers13: indicating relationship by a second or subsequent marriage or mating
    - i' O8 B& l! f" K  KCollins online: indicating relationship through the previous union of a spouse or the current union of a parent, rather than by blood
    2 F8 @; x0 n5 ^1 \: b) G4 {) W% zWebster online: related by virtue of a remarriage (as of a parent) and not by blood
    6 c* x* q# T5 w5 h5 X  b- {
    ! H: T# E! }/ Q& [显然,step-表示无血缘关系。新牛津双解和牛津英汉的汉语完全把意思弄错了。/ T, c* Z1 u, I1 x* S+ ^+ B  |

    2 Z+ |0 y$ _) q# M) D7 J有同父异母、同母异父的兄弟,也有对应词,half-brother:* z. @4 S( @$ {0 m9 w/ L: d) e
    Chambers 13: a brother with whom one has only one parent in common" s6 D4 X6 i/ V
    Collins online: the son of either of one's parents by another partner
    ' A, u4 U5 z8 j9 K5 w  @' \0 |Webster Online: a brother related through one parent only- a  w9 [" R" h) L

    4 d* y- p2 D. ?* j: R/ N& s! B9 E


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  • TA的每日心情
    2019-5-18 22:39
  • 签到天数: 158 天


    发表于 2020-1-7 21:15:26 | 显示全部楼层
    此处 @lgmcw
  • TA的每日心情
    2019-10-30 01:00
  • 签到天数: 127 天


    发表于 2020-1-8 01:25:34 | 显示全部楼层
  • TA的每日心情
    2024-4-2 07:42
  • 签到天数: 1092 天


    发表于 2020-1-8 09:44:05 | 显示全部楼层
    你引用的那个牛津英汉还是放弃吧,看那英语注释的elder brother by same father等等,非常随意,不用也罢。
  • TA的每日心情
    2021-4-11 18:44
  • 签到天数: 88 天


    发表于 2020-1-8 13:41:09 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 我突然想拉屎 于 2020-1-8 15:41 编辑
    8 ~( v+ h) i3 Z' H+ Z3 |9 T
    ; N* P6 v0 f# k) ]9 Z" Z- L! L( Vpremium看不了,要钱
    " M3 G. J% H' G" J0 a' G* e" s# h# b8 J这个就是iOS和macOS自带的。《牛津 外研社 英汉汉英词典》但是每年版本都有一点点不同。
    4 h0 r; \6 c! B. [/ R我想查一下别的词条,有人去把网页版的爬下来吗?
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