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[语言讨论] 【汉译英】围炉夜话(第一一二则)羡鱼何如结网

  • TA的每日心情
    2021-1-11 21:26
  • 签到天数: 313 天


    发表于 2020-4-23 09:00:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
      图功未晚,亡羊尚可补牢;浮慕无成,羡鱼何如结网。# x9 u% j: h. s

    # q6 P/ s& f# |& W2 B2 zIt is never too late for you to strive for achievement. A sheep is lost, but you can still mend the sheepfold to prevent future loss." o" e; C, y' N' ^$ B  f, [! o1 w0 h
    Dreams of success will not do you any good. Rather than standing by a river and long for the fish, go back home and make a net.
    + S) F0 }& }. t9 |- w
  • TA的每日心情
    2021-1-11 21:26
  • 签到天数: 313 天


     楼主| 发表于 2020-4-23 09:08:30 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 mxh3698 于 2020-4-23 09:10 编辑 4 M5 ?. K' R) j' F8 s
    9 t9 n' Q, ~2 F$ F6 M" ~6 t5 e
      图功未晚,亡羊尚可补牢;浮慕无成,羡鱼何如结网。! M" r* U' y* D) H" ^
    + |$ x9 k, x. j  O. T5 A2 m$ a
    It is never too late to strive for achievement. Rather than bemoan missed opportunities, do something and do it now." l* q1 e/ K( M# |2 p7 _4 R/ k
    It is useless to dream of success. Rather than dream your life away, roll your sleeves up to make your dreams come true.

    . G3 m2 K+ }6 r
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