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[语言讨论] 【汉译英】增广贤文:相识满天下,知心能几人?

  • TA的每日心情
    2021-1-11 21:26
  • 签到天数: 313 天


    发表于 2020-5-3 07:29:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    本帖最后由 mxh3698 于 2020-5-3 07:30 编辑 ! }: ]! s' a2 s) r+ _' f" m' L

    5 O. G/ }7 X5 s2 u) V8 A' L相识满天下,知心能几人?相逢好似初相识,到老终无怨恨心。近水知鱼性,近山识鸟音。易涨易退山溪水,易反易复小人心。9 A6 v5 x; U; _% N4 G$ T
    You may have 0 B8 {% z3 P4 ?) ]
    nodding friends- S' ]# F7 v4 H1 E) W  r
    all over the world,( ]% n/ R. g1 x5 _
    but how many 1 L' V5 F% j5 }& u. U/ P/ W2 o
    of them
    # A* T. W5 m# j7 u* U& h! Qcan be counted as0 J* g, B5 W8 j; F
    your confidants?
    ' n) \8 `! @4 e, I2 i- t+ @Always see
    ! U/ j7 s3 j8 R3 Zwhat your friends4 {6 u( V5 r( m+ K  {5 L
    attract you! A8 d" I9 `+ F. J- }
    when you first meet,
    & `- R2 g) _& T4 t" C8 Bthen you can
    " [( h" ]4 I" ]' V4 D5 }associate without resentment
    4 y+ c: ~, A9 K; u6 l8 x% {3 |till you are old.! a$ S. w$ A" {; C! `  }& I1 Z
    Living by the river,* G% A# R7 ]& p* P  g6 X
    you know
    , H+ n6 }8 G9 b) f* Q, l4 h4 Xhow fish swim.
    " `7 G3 b2 ]* L( }+ nLiving by a mountain,( _* Y# a* S; k" k: @+ y6 X
    you know  f9 M) V& j; q* |: P. c+ x
    how birds chirp.. E& q1 k# Z8 P
    The water of
    8 ^$ W0 y9 q: h3 m. C7 _; A2 fmountain streams,# p9 H+ A0 a" O  T3 Z5 p
    rises fast,2 D5 y) O) ^* M0 Y. ]+ A2 O
    and recedes just as fast.5 Z; W7 t* M) L
    . t! a' I% G" B: y* a8 N- i' i: gis the mark
    ) J% N% I2 e4 q2 U; E  Cof a petty man's ' {$ \" J) [% r, z( Q
    heart.3 C% a+ ?" q7 }  n
    ) F% w2 J0 z9 ~7 |& ~! Z+ r+ N# |
    , P! i1 H0 C; X4 ^' a5 H9 b


  • TA的每日心情
    2021-1-11 21:26
  • 签到天数: 313 天


     楼主| 发表于 2020-5-3 08:29:08 | 显示全部楼层
    3 F. f- q6 d* S6 q1 j7 o' z$ VYou may have friends all over the world, but how many of them can you count on in times of need?1 m1 `  b) `$ \' S. A: x5 B2 z  X7 X- ^
    You friends won't have reasons for resentment if you always treat them just like when you first meet.0 W9 c: h) G# J& z+ S5 z+ T! _* Z
    Living by a mountain and a river teaches one about the nature of fish and birds.: {0 R5 c- y5 C9 S  R, v
    Fickle is the heart of a petty man, just like the water of a mountain stream, which recedes just as fast as it rises.8 x# }% w' {- N& e3 D: T- L4 r* G

    ! v9 b) X9 {- k- i
    6 |( K% f4 Q$ O: s
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