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[语言讨论] 【汉译英】增广贤文·路遥知马力日久见人心

  • TA的每日心情
    2021-1-11 21:26
  • 签到天数: 313 天


    发表于 2020-5-4 06:49:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    本帖最后由 mxh3698 于 2020-5-4 07:17 编辑 . K8 h2 e2 d% f; J$ D# \- m- U

      g- X' V, Q2 \2 b0 r, n' L路遥知马力,日久见人心。, R: w" V' Y* i1 S2 O1 R
    7 |& K* F% L: ]( k( @5 j一人一般心,有钱难买针。) ^/ a% V3 h' y$ w
    3 Q3 X* d( x6 w0 y& VDistance tests the strength of a horse,
    3 k3 K7 H8 ~- f# Stimes shows the shape of a heart.3 j3 e% [$ t) X" b/ e, L
    United, there is nothing you can't do,
    - Z, [1 E/ R$ a+ m" J- |divided, there is nothing you can do.0 o' L0 ?0 P5 l2 D7 Y% l/ d. E
    getting along is easy when you first meet,; t4 u* T' T7 f) J8 {) m$ C
    staying together is difficult.
    % ~) b$ s% n% ]) [4 s' H$ z
    2 A) p! Q' z' }: v; z# y6 F& C) p9 L3 W' d

    / h) ]( b; j4 ]" M0 y4 S
    ; a& v/ s7 G1 ~
  • TA的每日心情
    2021-1-11 21:26
  • 签到天数: 313 天


     楼主| 发表于 2020-5-4 08:02:14 | 显示全部楼层
    " {) J8 U/ \- Z* o* D9 i7 y两人一般心,无钱堪买金;; Z" V/ v4 V/ G3 T' k
    , `0 y/ Y1 ~0 ^) x2 \6 x相见易得好,久住难为人。: ?7 ]' u: K. S* C+ J6 b* X
    Distance will tell if
    1 e9 A# d" \" I6 k% d+ aa horse is a steed or not.  O" c$ D  t% Z! z. F# S1 A
    Time is the best test9 O/ t0 p% M2 Z" H* Y: j. u
    of a human heart.
    8 b# g! s' U* ~% F& H; Q% X. \Nothing is impossible
    6 m4 ]: S! H4 C9 {  K$ vfor two persons of one heart.$ D8 D2 i2 J9 j2 u( `6 n; C& ]2 y/ M- R
    Nothing is possible2 c$ {8 N8 g# K0 B0 {
    for people
    : H/ F2 N0 ]% p7 k- [6 `3 [. Jeach with his axe to grind.; j1 A; A; f5 K: ~& A0 H" P; F
    When you first meet,0 i: K2 P% }/ @' M% _* |, T6 S
    getting along is easy.3 [% K9 e( ?5 i; u' \' P1 g6 T4 J! i- y
    Things get difficult,
    2 F9 }. ?1 J+ h* k9 X5 o: ^when you stay together.
    : W: f4 y$ E, x6 _. I
    1 l; W( U. d, d0 G" t# V9 m( V; O/ {1 T4 p, O5 |) ?

    4 L6 u( k" e4 z/ J# Y3 m3 e* d5 n) v& R9 n1 [2 b
  • TA的每日心情
    2018-8-8 03:13
  • 签到天数: 1 天


    发表于 2020-5-4 08:30:37 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 喬治兄 于 2020-5-4 08:32 编辑 6 `& a2 H3 V/ w/ v2 f
    mxh3698 发表于 2020-5-4 08:02) G! \  S; y6 V) c# a
    路遥知马力,日久见人心。9 i0 I. a5 k# L9 N9 c: n
    两人一般心,无钱堪买金;  b2 E+ e! ?# B
    ' U+ e. k+ `% V3 e! ]- C# [

    9 `; f4 S( p7 z, ]8 Q% s路遥知马力
    & \) d2 H$ S7 n# N' b9 G( KLong-winded will demonstrate how a stallion would be.
    4 ]& g. i5 g7 [. u
  • TA的每日心情
    2021-1-11 21:26
  • 签到天数: 313 天


     楼主| 发表于 2020-5-4 09:00:01 | 显示全部楼层
    喬治兄 发表于 2020-5-4 08:30, {. C2 h6 O. V! y" ~6 y6 m
    路遥知马力5 h: D: J' M; V5 n" \
    Long-winded will demonstrate how a stallion would be.

    : t6 I+ S# `* B9 R, i4 y5 [, wlong-winded词义词性都不对——
    0 @) J! I$ }9 `% o: d5 slong-winded7 G; o, {3 r' ~6 K' B9 y& n3 l: H% d
    [ADJ] usu v-link ADJ
    $ W- `* {; l6 T3 ^) L* eIf you describe something that is written or said as long-winded, you are critical of it because it is longer than necessary.: j$ G/ G. e. h+ I# F3 s
    The manifesto is long-winded, repetitious and often ambiguous or poorly drafted...
    - U* q& b) I( K/ w5 f5 m! GI hope I'm not being too long-winded.
  • TA的每日心情
    2018-8-8 03:13
  • 签到天数: 1 天


    发表于 2020-5-4 09:04:58 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 喬治兄 于 2020-5-4 09:06 编辑
    0 s3 w& i% P2 A  q0 w
    mxh3698 发表于 2020-5-4 09:004 I/ G* y' ^9 u  E; o
    long-winded词义词性都不对——+ q; d. |0 I" Z' S" B
    long-winded+ n2 p/ h  l" h4 z7 Z1 A
    [ADJ] usu v-link ADJ
    8 o4 {9 \7 c( K) M5 n5 f. ?5 U9 j

    ' j9 e* V  y2 b若改成3 M/ z8 J: k9 h$ n+ E- j$ j  `
    Long-windedness will demonstrate how a stallion would be.. o# Z% }5 r) A% m, a
    ) j: \/ y3 b% c& `! F% O, u9 }8 M* q+ m* W$ H/ Y- p* W
    $ g, i( [+ X$ `/ e( {
    6 ?, n- u" @5 |& G9 k# r
    , {) p5 h# `" f; G0 y1 B8 m
    . ]2 k; w" G  K/ I" \( h3 Yadj. 0 j4 L+ Z8 K( f) b1 |! K, j; a6 W

    ; d4 p# D& x9 |' ~; m9 l1 (of speech or writing) tediously lengthy (演讲或文章)冗长乏味的" N7 A% ?* X) \! @& n4 Y5 N, X
    $ Z7 Z# m, \$ C! y- T4 y
    2 able to run a long distance without rest 一口气跑完长距离的
    & R7 {) |9 v! n8 `! w& H

    + z, [4 r. x, l) z& H, g- _Phrases & Derivatives% T' j" b& w' e( `
    long-windedly adv.
    # ~& H" |8 x# y/ a' C, G% q$ n7 A
    2 p) d1 h1 a6 S" c
    ) S% a$ C4 I, q6 S0 m$ `long-windedness n.
  • TA的每日心情
    2021-1-11 21:26
  • 签到天数: 313 天


     楼主| 发表于 2020-5-4 09:34:19 | 显示全部楼层
    喬治兄 发表于 2020-5-4 09:04! C0 u6 Q) ~) ~% O" b% L
    若改成7 H7 N" R' |$ V2 W- \4 D
    Long-windedness will demonstrate how a stallion would be.. b+ H0 q& d; j2 ^& ]: ^
    7 c9 ]! j& m( C4 r. i% ^
    + @) e" k2 c0 i3 h" n$ l字典上有这个意思,并不意味着这个意思就是合适的
    5 o* @. ^: Q3 B( R; Zproper word in proper place,不够proper的话,不光有词义的原因,还有register等其他的原因
  • TA的每日心情
    2018-8-8 03:13
  • 签到天数: 1 天


    发表于 2020-5-4 09:55:54 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 喬治兄 于 2020-5-4 09:58 编辑
    2 Z' p  M& M9 A
    mxh3698 发表于 2020-5-4 09:341 `8 k0 ~8 i7 P* l3 C* |
    何不直接用distance?6 J4 [% V, C" w; u* k6 j; {
    字典上有这个意思,并不意味着这个意思就是合适的! \. T. x4 ?8 [+ c6 w% z7 x
    proper word in proper place, ...

    ; {. h) \7 E2 j4 H$ h- Y# s& N- g/ ^8 K! H& X/ q% G
    mxh3698 兄:% C8 b% G2 Y" X' u
    不知道 這個是什請指點迷津一下, Thanks a lot4 l( B# ?+ A$ R9 Y
    是否是指文法上. Y/ w2 L6 ?* M1 ~
  • TA的每日心情
    2021-1-11 21:26
  • 签到天数: 313 天


     楼主| 发表于 2020-5-4 11:24:08 | 显示全部楼层
    喬治兄 发表于 2020-5-4 09:55
    & I- w( g* S  omxh3698 兄:
    $ [+ T0 \) p( E- O: D$ M  I' R( R2 i不知道 這個是什請指點迷津一下, Thanks a lot4 h3 n' C; ?6 J2 S; c7 t
    + z4 W* b1 _' E7 `
    8 [N-VAR]; p/ Y- J9 ?) o: J/ H
    In linguistics, the register of a piece of speech or writing is its level and style of language, which is usually appropriate to the situation or circumstances in which it is used. (TECHNICAL)( t4 D# L8 c$ o! b  @+ e% p! g
    1 e& V7 {2 @+ _$ g, X
  • TA的每日心情
    2018-8-8 03:13
  • 签到天数: 1 天


    发表于 2020-5-4 11:44:07 | 显示全部楼层
    mxh3698 发表于 2020-5-4 11:24
    0 L( `) C5 z& n4 M- B2 Y7 y+ c8 [N-VAR]; a. j7 A. r& z- I9 e! Y
    In linguistics, the register of a piece of speech or writing is its level and style of l ...

    7 x7 v  r! h4 d( m' hBrother mxh3698 :
    * e* [. Y( y, e: k( D$ R) oThanks a lot.
    ) Y- C# i$ q( @, b0 Y7 G
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