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[词典求助] 【征集】哪些词典收了「it is what it is」?



发表于 2020-8-6 11:16:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 klwo2 于 2020-8-6 11:20 编辑 % A; L2 L( m8 W" ?8 T

! d, G- O) D  |0 q8 \+ y9 H本来这个问题可以在读秀搜的,可是碰巧「it is what it is」里头的词全是特别常用的词,读秀给过滤了,搜不到,所以只好求助大家了。
! W; j: l! }% w9 C
' x- }* O8 m3 x- H6 ]这句话是堂堂美国大总统接受Axios访谈时说的金句,语境如下:
  K& ~# Z- `# E8 g& h
& z1 H6 ^( _' P  N
"How? A thousand Americans are dying a day," Swan said.$ G0 M" ^7 ]4 F  Y: p- }; j

1 h5 Y; {+ i: D- Q5 N! }% j"They are dying. That's true. And you -- it is what it is," Trump said emphatically. "But that doesn't mean we aren't doing everything we can. It's under control as much as you can control it."
, w9 c) c. c: G5 ]6 o9 z# y, ^. c
如果词典里头查不到「it is what it is」,连美国大总统的话都听不懂,这无论如何都说不过去吧?!词典收藏家们快快贴出你们的宝贝!$ `5 E# F/ A& q% |1 k. L. ?
8 F! Y- o# c1 k& P; U
我的mdx、PDF收藏都比较有限,下面的mdx可以直接查到「it is what it is」(释义从简摘录):
1 t% ]- {$ A/ e; V7 T9 s0 q0 @7 ]% V9 A& M& P
idioms[thefreedictionary.com]:The situation, circumstance, or outcome has already happened or been decided or established, so it must be accepted even if it is undesirable.
) e! n* L7 V( x* T8 H
  k+ q/ E: U0 y& e6 B* n( c1 R) oMacquarie Dictionary 6th:it is what it is, (an expression of resignation and acceptance.)' A3 h# }/ ^' \7 n4 ^! J! L
5 G2 d; S6 R8 G5 P  j$ H% h8 w
Slang Dictionary Online:statement of resigned acceptance.  R( s8 q$ }7 B* h0 j, ]
" x* R4 [* s/ e# d4 b" ~
Wiktionary English 2019:This circumstance is simply a fact and must be accepted or dealt with as it exists. 4 q8 Q- ?. A' P" a& l

' b2 Z- U% S1 y& Y/ `Urban Dictionary:释义不雅,恕不摘录
' H  S/ W$ D' T' ?
所以这几样大家就不用贴了,尽量贴不重复的、 没见过的
: j$ c) \# E5 \/ S+ S9 L
6 I& o% D  {* wdictionary.com 也有一个页面,解释得很清楚:https://www.dictionary.com/e/slang/it-is-what-it-is/2 Z' _. Z5 G$ L
) |2 W. z! ^: U; n, R) ]
9 u* V! K+ {1 i  x+ c* p! K9 f* P# ^+ q# }2 Z- H
! Q4 Z# P% t1 _0 e& q
: S% n/ s% X! _' e* a: k6 B(贴出好图会加分哦~)
# A- i4 C( x  a& |/ x1 J3 n1 F  \: h. K! n, W6 K
bbs 该用户已被删除
发表于 2020-8-6 11:38:45 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 bbs 于 2020-8-6 11:42 编辑
. i/ K8 J! R7 {. V6 C
0 }% s0 W9 c& o: ~3 k
! X% v" K& z" J1 }, S- r% S/ Q& C+ e( i8 n* [; ?. Y
it is what it is9 _% @9 y* P1 ^. G/ C& e
The situation, circumstance, or outcome has already happened or been decided or established, so it must be accepted even if it is undesirable.+ S; a: ]0 @' P% b: M$ |: x( j
Look, we lost the game, but it is what it is. All we can do is work even harder for the next one.
+ y$ [: P, |% U3 S% I9 B; u% e- j$ gI'm not terribly fond of my daughter's new boyfriend, but it is what it is.
# m( r" n. R$ e2 S) O, j' F
See also: what( Q, L, F& h# `5 J) `: V. d8 |7 |/ L
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2015 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.* A2 d7 j; z, f. U: X7 m
it is what it is1 c# M% `1 w" j- ]/ n, |
There may have been a problem but it’s time to move on. The precise origin is unknown but the expression has frequently been used in sports to chronicle a loss or other difficulty and indicate it was time to forget it. William Safire found its earliest use in a 1949 Nebraska newspaper article about how pioneer life molded character. “New land is harsh and vigorous and sturdy. . . . It is what it is, without apology” (J. E. Lawrence in Nebraska State Journal, quoted by Safire in the New York Times, March 5, 2006).
) Y' I" w% n- i8 ]See also: what5 j. U3 Q0 w- ^2 t! v5 a' O  {7 S) r
The Dictionary of Clichés by Christine Ammer Copyright © 2013 by Christine Ammer

1 L4 p* j# I' N" q& t7 u$ L来源于 thefreedictionary# d2 S6 W3 g# }; d( \' Y


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thefreedictionary已有了,不过The Dictionary of Clichés 2013是新的  发表于 2020-8-6 11:54





发表于 2020-8-6 12:27:22 | 显示全部楼层


这个语言表达  发表于 2020-8-6 12:55
我只关心这个语法表达,至于某人,只是一个引子,不要歪楼打岔哦  发表于 2020-8-6 12:55
  • TA的每日心情
    2019-10-10 05:35
  • 签到天数: 328 天


    发表于 2020-8-6 12:46:26 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 Jiangxi 于 2020-8-6 14:11 编辑
    7 j1 t1 K- {# f( |7 H2 @, b- U( G( g1 g4 t: h
    牛津高阶九上有个释义:& P3 ?7 l5 a% Y
    used to show that you accept that sth negative cannot be changed: Z5 V) o& T3 ]3 P
    6 v' b5 d" _9 P. I( c$ i# \8 {2 \& h& |* j& b; F% s
    在 sth is what it is 词条下2 g3 ^4 ]0 q+ d/ H( a: `5 N, A
    4 J/ ^3 z' b4 T5 i: X4 E
    * Y+ A7 z: n: f) o+ W+ r9 Lhttps://imgchr.com/i/ac5j8s
    1 o( k- I2 i* f+ Y( `$ M8 s! X( j4 p& U$ g: c


    把图贴出来看看,希望不是在it条下面找死个人  发表于 2020-8-6 12:56




  • TA的每日心情
    2023-1-26 19:29
  • 签到天数: 343 天


    发表于 2020-8-6 14:15:49 | 显示全部楼层


    我试了在线有道,给出来的解释是错的,不算哦  发表于 2020-8-6 14:52
  • TA的每日心情
    2023-11-29 11:30
  • 签到天数: 335 天


    发表于 2020-8-6 15:14:49 | 显示全部楼层
    American Heritage Dictionary of Idioms, Second Edition:6 v" g) O# l* c; H6 z7 b; s& `
    9 g& K6 j: S, D' F9 |' _

    + \$ s8 L1 ]* t5 m4 x


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    补一句,这词典跟2楼发的The Dictionary of Clichés 是同一个主编  发表于 2020-8-6 15:49




  • TA的每日心情
    2022-9-25 21:09
  • 签到天数: 1136 天


    发表于 2020-8-6 19:05:04 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 oversky 于 2020-8-6 19:09 编辑
    ( I5 n# @( t4 n4 c+ \5 R; o6 u. X8 r5 p  p" u; f4 M0 G
    # |) j# G2 a& y$ L
    ) }9 Z# z) R$ K7 y0 e4 ]: M

    4 G0 ]4 a/ ^4 ]
    ; q& w' X1 a; d; E" L7 A




  • TA的每日心情
    2019-4-14 02:12
  • 签到天数: 93 天


    发表于 2020-8-6 23:18:43 | 显示全部楼层
    不知道相关不' n' V4 ]  R% w4 v2 {


    啊哈哈,不太相关  发表于 2020-8-7 08:19
  • TA的每日心情
    2020-10-22 08:25
  • 签到天数: 163 天


    发表于 2020-8-7 11:30:21 | 显示全部楼层
    jonah_w 发表于 2020-8-6 23:18% V. n# d# S9 d2 j

    9 X3 `. e0 x( S8 Y5 m1 h% w% G& H% ~这个 The Well-spoken Thesaurus 可以分享下么
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