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[学习求助] 这句中的accord用的对么?

  • TA的每日心情
    2022-7-12 09:44
  • 签到天数: 83 天


    发表于 2022-6-14 17:42:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    But Mr John­son’s opponents note that his support was weaker than that accorded Theresa May in a similar vote in 2018...2 `, n- K% u5 u: ?' u! h% U0 w

    . C! P0 |" p& t  B2 K; Q2 n我怎么觉得应该是 ... than that accorded to Theresa May


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  • TA的每日心情
    2023-4-1 01:10
  • 签到天数: 1992 天


    发表于 2022-6-15 09:57:27 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 言叶之庭 于 2022-6-15 09:58 编辑 ; d* W, r# T. r( ?
    6 ?1 |2 _( o* m( i1 x( g# |& ^
  • TA的每日心情
    2023-3-25 16:02
  • 签到天数: 956 天


    发表于 2022-6-14 21:13:13 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 abc163 于 2022-6-14 21:16 编辑 8 z" f, B$ n: r0 t* y" m
    sabrina2111 发表于 2022-6-14 20:276 u- I8 A9 R8 q8 {1 Z" x

    " u* b1 A+ @8 c2 M/ m% n$ b' A. Z3 u5 V2 R
    是双宾语,accord这里是vtr, 原意应该是Conservative MPs accorded Theresa May support. 可参考3 y1 o/ f9 a6 x, y

    & d; O9 H) X) W2 D  s9 r; ?https://www.thefreedictionary.com/accord) D* O0 @/ u* q8 [4 Q7 T0 V
    0 z6 u& h! ^! y- ?+ iaccord someone/something something: Their achievement has not always been accorded the recognition it deserves.
  • TA的每日心情
    2023-1-22 20:44
  • 签到天数: 72 天


    发表于 2022-6-15 21:06:11 | 显示全部楼层
    that accorded Theresa May和that accorded to Theresa May两种都是对的,就是约定俗成就这样用,不用加to ,wordreference上有和楼主一模一样的问题,我给你搬过来了
    ! A4 S5 a3 b- V% B6 E; T2 q7 m) r3 U4 I4 e" [* s
    例句) q. J! ]# `$ c. C2 R; j4 x' f
    Others, however, would vastly prefer permanent jobs. They have struggled to deal with the instability, the second-tier status often accorded contractors and other temporary workers and the usual lack of benefits.---taken from the NYT1 @' {+ Q3 Q; Q& R
    : t; d) s5 V2 d2 `& a* B
    提问& O6 \( V) o% W) j
    Dear all,
    5 E- a1 h) X) wShould "accorded" be "accorded to"? Because I think of "accord" as "give". : A& o6 ^- ^" H, M7 E1 I
    She is accorded respect by her students.
    ! e; r; X" s* j- ~! J. ?( PHer students accord her respect. * ^5 S! [  H1 M/ C! S! w# f
    Her students accord respect to her.2 F! F2 y7 L( M, M9 a
    Respect is accorded to her by her students.
      E; w; m; n' z  q9 m7 a  nCould you tell me whether my understanding is correct? Thanks.' A% P5 I. e. U! S4 f7 U2 U$ F
    6 V' K! u& V$ }2 `1 {6 y. Z( M
    回答! n; b, L, N( `' I2 v9 t
    This is a hard one, LQZ. I don't think that the sentence you've quoted is incorrect, but I don't think that your suggested revision would be wrong either. I would say that the answer has something to do with the fact that "accorded" forms part of a noun clause in the NYT's sentence.
    / g! Q5 }, o& U: S: S"Respect is accorded to her by the students." - fine
    # W3 F1 J/ E2 v5 _! I  }"Respect is accorded her by the students." - somewhat unidiomatic+ z/ @4 F2 o5 m) _2 o8 O
    "She enjoys the respect accorded to her by the students." - fine
    / H- r' N. H& U* \0 D"She enjoys the respect accorded her by the students." - I find this acceptable& s3 P) h- D& C# O
    In other words, the bare participle of "accorded"--here used as an adjective--functions differently from the participle as part of a passive construction.
    8 W& V9 |0 B$ k% L. g+ X
  • TA的每日心情
    昨天 05:43
  • 签到天数: 1449 天


    发表于 2022-6-15 11:08:30 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 scju 于 2022-6-15 11:11 编辑 : \1 ^* g* X" Z, _" K4 ]- z
    弹钢琴 发表于 2022-6-15 09:340 O3 o3 O) p7 W% D
    ( i! }9 P9 D4 ]; ]
    8 j$ e5 h7 z, w0 A
    不是省略,是本来就没有。底下1和2的写法都可以,原句采用1的方式。( R0 X6 }( J$ F2 J2 L& S; q( G+ c

    4 ~/ x) v1 @: g  M: `9 e( @5 x" t1./ N) q0 k8 s& Y; y% I  a0 C
    (a) Conservative mps accorded Theresa May support.. c( j$ ]/ W/ z- G& [2 ?: @' O
    0 x: |4 U: ~4 e
    (b) The support was accorded Theresa May (by conservative mps)." ]$ `$ y3 N  X% s: m" j# {

    7 A" {/ q9 x! m" I(c) ... than that (= support) (which was) accorded Theresa May in a similar vote in 20185 ]4 X) h, s9 p% o' Q1 Y3 r
    ; p# ?6 W* y2 g! M1 p; }
    $ q& t) Y2 T% e# |3 Z/ G4 a4 ^(a) Conservative mps accorded support to Theresa May .+ z1 z' J7 ~! q8 n: |$ ?' m/ ~1 v* h

    / h0 f3 v- ~5 g  o9 n6 q( w(b) The support was accorded to Theresa May (by conservative mps).! q, o1 F1 @3 j& F7 o1 z

    1 U4 n9 M# [. y  w- \: _0 m(c) ... than that (= support) (which was) accorded to Theresa May in a similar vote in 2018


    是  发表于 2022-6-15 13:57
  • TA的每日心情
    2023-6-11 12:43
  • 签到天数: 1541 天


    发表于 2022-6-14 20:27:40 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 sabrina2111 于 2022-6-14 20:29 编辑
    # {3 |1 Q1 q+ j) _8 @. L# N/ b/ `2 L$ ?9 ]' ?6 e% {


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  • TA的每日心情
    2023-4-1 01:10
  • 签到天数: 1992 天


    发表于 2022-6-14 18:48:52 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 言叶之庭 于 2022-6-14 18:51 编辑 ( E- D* v! r! c6 q. H: f3 `0 L) w: W" e
    . V# F! n7 L! S2 t


    你一个不学无术的人当然提不出问题来了  发表于 2022-6-15 09:35
  • TA的每日心情
    2023-6-11 12:43
  • 签到天数: 1541 天


    发表于 2022-6-14 18:02:44 | 显示全部楼层
    应该是漏了to.相当于support accorded to Theresa May
  • TA的每日心情
    2022-7-12 09:44
  • 签到天数: 83 天


     楼主| 发表于 2022-6-14 18:24:53 | 显示全部楼层
    sabrina2111 发表于 2022-6-14 18:02; l7 B: N7 S& Q
    应该是漏了to.相当于support accorded to Theresa May

    # L8 P* \! _* d* s$ l- a  ~但是朗读版中也没有读“to”
  • TA的每日心情
    2023-6-11 12:43
  • 签到天数: 1541 天


    发表于 2022-6-14 18:32:28 | 显示全部楼层
    弹钢琴 发表于 2022-6-14 18:24! y) T7 _, ~; M7 w/ S# W: H! W! B

    " J& A  {% u* T' ^/ {; b% B本来就弱读的。再加上前面的ed,这个音被吞了吧。


    发表于 2022-6-14 19:21:05 | 显示全部楼层
    * P2 v% ?( B. T
    " |& O, f  D* q7 ~% K2 {- p7 K"Mr. Reagan's rating is one point higher than that accorded President Johnson at roughly the midpoint of the first year of his elected term in 1965."
    $ y/ A0 w' X+ ^# R' A4 G5 p- ~* V5 I" ^/ o: [, F; t
    来源:https://www.nytimes.com/1985/09/ ... -s-performance.html
  • TA的每日心情
    2022-7-12 09:44
  • 签到天数: 83 天


     楼主| 发表于 2022-6-14 19:58:19 | 显示全部楼层
    entropy 发表于 2022-6-14 19:21; x+ R2 b* N9 b4 w  T" j- b
    原文没毛病。可以搜到很多类似用例。6 _% Q( b. Q9 J% J
    + O- d  i) z: W& _# h
    "Mr. Reagan's rating is one point higher than that accorded Pres ...

    + g3 s# `% b: s% f2 [, O但是为什么可以这样写呢?


    发表于 2022-6-14 20:10:17 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 entropy 于 2022-6-14 22:22 编辑
    * b# ]" f7 I9 `+ ~) l
    弹钢琴 发表于 2022-6-14 19:58$ L9 M% g) ^) @8 ]

    ( _! g: q- S- z% A: o: E; R不清楚。之前理解错了。
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