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[书评书讯] american usage

  • TA的每日心情
    2023-9-2 09:16
  • 签到天数: 1103 天


    发表于 2014-1-6 23:59:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    本帖最后由 spoony1971 于 2014-1-7 00:17 编辑
      s' q+ s( d5 p0 o
    , E  z& ^' ?' d3 l8 K主要有两本,其中Garner's Modern American Usage最为权威,最新版为第三版(2009)/ Q8 S8 p' p0 M4 Q) c7 J7 A

    4 x9 ^8 \9 a! K$ X$ V: B% p1.Garner's Modern American Usage:! @7 `  Q$ v. E, o- H
    The first edition was published in 1998 as "A Dictionary of Modern American Usage." In 2003 the second edition was published under the current title with a third more content than its predecessor.[1] A third edition was published in August 2009. Oxford University Press has also published an abridged, paperback edition of Modern American Usage as the Oxford Dictionary of American Usage and Style (2000).' s3 k9 W. |  \) V3 b
    9 [% x2 f, P# z& k/ y& @
    Novelist David Foster Wallace said, "The fact of the matter is that Garner's dictionary is extremely good ... Its format ... includes entries on individual words and phrases and expostulative small-cap MINI-ESSAYS."[2] (An unabridged, much lengthier version of David Wallace's essay, "Authority and American Usage", appeared in a 2006 anthology of essays entitled Consider the Lobster.) Garrison Keillor has called Garner's Modern American Usage one of the five most influential books in his library. Other critics, from John Simon to William Safire to Bill Walsh to Barbara Wallraff, have praised the book's clear, simple, and nuanced guidance.
      _6 u, A, J. E' a9 P: R1 z. R/ }! z7 O8 D8 A
    Michael Quinion of WorldWideWords.org said in his review[1] that usage guides “row a course against the current of modern lexicography and linguistics,” which are descriptive fields that often fail to "meet the day-to-day needs of those users of English who want to speak and write in a way that is acceptable to educated opinion.” Quinion opined that Garner lays down rules without falling victim to “worn-out shibboleths or language superstitions.”
    5 z# W/ \1 @7 ^* n
    8 y+ q, j7 I3 B% L, a, t" @1 Y3 P2.Follett's Modern American Usage:
    0 l! ~4 V# G5 ]( g* L' p$ W" [" c# J


    发表于 2014-1-7 23:39:14 | 显示全部楼层

    , h& Y& E) X, B( t! w" _{:10_279:}
    * A  ~3 I( ?/ g! c从没见过Follett's Modern American Usage,不过看评价很高啊。
    - y' u% @# L- q参考:7 j3 B, o! ]; \# p, m& W
    1. http://www.studentpulse.com/arti ... s-english-resources
    : i) @) q& }: ^4 `0 d* t2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Follett's_Modern_American_Usage; Z, f$ t; b8 Q3 J! _
    3. http://ishare.iask.sina.com.cn/search.php?key=usage+ M0 p4 a0 [% D* g
    4. http://lingvodics.com/dics/search/?&s=usage
    ( Y" r- X0 }; K0 Z( B3 P  x--
    % z0 x/ }1 A! e5 P% @) ^原版的Usage书或者词典是比较高阶的参考书了,经常看得头晕。有两本是有词库的。
    ( k* A6 i+ A4 ?6 D( ?* B6 G* `1.
    2 S' k( f7 ]2 \[英-英] [ha_sa2][2013-08-24]Collins Cobuild English Usage(2070条)
    9 p2 S6 S( P4 P! s, ~# B. Uhttps://pdawiki.com/forum/thread-11123-1-1.html/ r& U+ ]; A7 p8 o+ m9 ]
    2. Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of English Usage. Springfield, MA: Merriam-Webster, 1994.
    , Y4 F$ H4 ?( X. `. f8 }( U' B5 H' mdsl http://lingvodics.com/dics/details/3368/2 D% f0 F7 [+ @. @- M! `$ H) a8 P
    ==* y4 B3 Q2 J, Y' ^9 @' |: ~
    # I1 U" C4 C+ i5 X1 `$ bOxford University Press; Oxford University Press; H. W. Fowler, David Crystal
    2 f9 P' q$ C% r+ DFowler H.W., Gower E. - A dictionary of modern English usage, 2-nd ed. - 1987.pdf
      c9 Q, r3 N) H4 ]6 C& y6 f
    2 q4 u+ Y, _; M5 p8 w: Q3 q+ pOxford University Press; Bryan A. Garner9 C/ e/ U3 F9 ?7 E; O( q
    Bryan A. Garner Garners Modern American Usage  2003.pdf; R) K6 u5 |- l/ }$ ?

    5 X# P8 @  X$ z1 g, uOxford University Press; Michael Swan
      q# {- [( [8 q4 N" `http://mikeswan.co.uk/3 @3 R1 V) o' `+ t# O6 s- \# P
    Practical English Usage (OUP 2005)[牛津英语用法指南].Practical.English.Usage.pdf * D% c" w& ]8 r, V5 d7 c

    8 ?5 B& O$ Q3 r2 RWilson Follett8 J/ G9 I3 g0 P# l2 s
    Follett's Modern American Usage 2 I- L6 k* H0 w+ R
    参考: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Follett's_Modern_American_Usage
    ( u3 I4 j1 W$ g$ X& P$ o! _7 D; X! W' w" u% d
    Merriam-Webster; E. Ward Gilman
    % C2 ?/ m' Z7 JWebster's Dictionary of English Usage
    ! O' ]. ?9 f# z  I6 v/ }9 e$ B5 s( i4 o- V, A
    Cambridge University Press; Pam Peters+ N6 z7 z+ i$ [, j
    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pam_Peters) j7 \4 l: V& ?6 @  t
    The Cambridge Guide to English Usage by Pam Peters (Jul 15, 2004) The_Cambridge_Guide_to_Englsih_Usage.052162181X.pdf
    ; Z" k5 l0 w2 |- Q* m1 t, tThe Cambridge Guide to Australian English Usage by Pam Peters (May 14, 2007)2 t" L; G2 l3 i1 T

    + Y( ^# G9 ~% g$ \2 IPenguin & Longman! r, o# s; u* m3 ?. |  F, S# x
    []_Penguin_Longman_-_Dictionary_Of_American_Englis(BookFi.org).pdf6 V  ?1 [4 `6 c4 i/ F. f' `9 w
    & u2 @5 m1 |6 R3 T) A3 P8 ^
    Random House3 Z6 Z# o8 }' z- I0 y2 W
    Bergen Evans and Cornelia Evans2 ~+ b; h7 e4 L* A2 h
    Random House-A Dictionary Of Contemporary American Usage(1957).pdf 这是扫描版,质量很差) P: G: ?* l  Q/ X9 m
    American.English.Dictionary.Contemp.Usage.pdf 这是文字版,质量很好
    & J# v* X$ b5 e
    6 }. Z7 {* m/ \& \Collins COBUILD English Usage
    - J6 `! N! y  @$ p2 q- V有dsl. k6 R9 g' ?% `0 e+ [" e- ]" F
    9 |$ a5 D  u+ a* C- n
  • TA的每日心情
    2023-10-14 18:34
  • 签到天数: 210 天


    发表于 2014-2-28 15:20:03 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 deeke 于 2014-2-28 23:40 编辑 . ~( x& m" [0 Y1 T. Q

    / C) y" _' a! o+ L: T) n  u: tGarner's Modern American Usage 3rd 2009
    2 `) ~' J9 J& @9 N带目录的文字版PDF,在置顶网盘中。


    发表于 2014-5-4 08:16:56 | 显示全部楼层
    发现The Cambridge Guide to English Usage两年前就有中文版了,叫《剑桥英语用法词典》
    , ~: b( l2 Z+ `http://www.cp.com.cn/book/978-7-100-07126-0_25.html8 M0 d2 m0 q* @4 E; h* \; D0 g/ A& u& f1 d- y
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