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[词典校勘] OALD@incumbent

  • TA的每日心情
    2020-3-25 07:07
  • 签到天数: 5 天


    发表于 2016-5-3 22:39:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    - A% N# T( |4 [+ q, ^6 khaving an official position
    7 y4 U5 y1 K; l9 m# Z其他大多数英英词典都使用了current, present, existing的限定词,表示当前在位或在职的,虽然having也有正在的意思,但是感觉在这里表示“拥有”这一般意思更多一些。不知道OALD为什么这么定义,感觉不如加上前面的限定词更容易理解。ODE也使用了这样的限定词:(Of an official or regime) currently holding office。3 }# W* a9 s1 Z3 D- t

    / h* f2 O' G; }( _+ N; q/ }


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  • TA的每日心情
    2023-3-29 08:16
  • 签到天数: 1462 天


    发表于 2016-5-3 23:22:22 | 显示全部楼层
    这个词和现在时一起用时,汉语说现任是可以的。如果用过去时,就不便说current, present, existing了
  • TA的每日心情
    2023-3-29 08:16
  • 签到天数: 1462 天


    发表于 2016-5-3 23:34:57 | 显示全部楼层
  • TA的每日心情
    2020-3-25 07:07
  • 签到天数: 5 天


     楼主| 发表于 2016-5-4 10:43:56 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 elusty 于 2016-5-4 11:47 编辑
    & ?; H; P% b4 Q
    : X  {' S; i3 u( r  m- q应该是楼上所说的意见。
    & X; w% b. ~. [- h4 V7 ?COD9的解释是:currently holding office。
    1 ^2 u' Z" q' o( V注意,使用了hold这个词,而不是have,感觉更准确。WMALD和AHD也是使用了hold这个词。% I! w+ Y& A5 w' l# W8 U0 U+ ~
    % j! |( O2 {/ t7 Q( J


    发表于 2016-5-4 12:02:20 | 显示全部楼层

    ) r1 j1 [& A8 Q" x$ L. q- H" _哈哈,发现 incumbent 做名词时, COBUILD 的释义最准了。
    & G( ^' y5 j: P  Y4 ?* [" w3 rhttp://www.collinsdictionary.com ... -learners/incumbent+ @: a2 s$ |/ ^" ?- x
    An incumbent is someone who holds an official post at a particular time.
    ! y) a, A# Z( H3 \1 ?8 x/ q+ w; }& e9 m5 H7 l  W
    比如这文章里 https://www.washingtonpost.com/o ... 81c63c1b_story.html
    3 A: i$ I/ o! Nincumbent (Gerald Ford)肯定都不能翻作“现任”。5 Y. M' |1 z& C# u7 k0 q0 ^

    . G4 h4 l6 D( B2 [


    发表于 2016-5-4 14:07:02 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 ncq001 于 2016-5-4 14:35 编辑 ; S; T7 n. @" X, j. O
    0 I4 ]  V3 u8 A, b5 z0 c
    Gerald Ford 的例句网页有时进不去,就在进去后找了一下,这个页中尽然用了4次这个词:/ X5 {! x3 Y3 g" A9 L! K
    1:  Ford and James A. Baker III, his delegate wrangler, fully understood how the power and majesty of the presidency could be used to recruit support for the incumbent.
    + d8 _% O; h4 \/ j0 S4 m& O-----------------------------------------------------------------------------1 j! G4 x: G4 Z6 P9 B. i" K' _! [) N
    2: (The Illinois police officer who administered the test told Reagan aide Don Totten that Totten was the only politician he had ever tested who passed.) When Ford arrived in Kansas City on Aug. 16, he pressed the flesh like a candidate for school board; it was a sign of weakness for the incumbent president, but he needed the votes.
    ; X0 K' M* Y- a0 V& K5 D0 F------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 f1 p7 z+ N+ i
    3:  Ford’s strategists knew they had to prevent Reagan from addressing the hall before voting began, since he was far better at giving a speech than the incumbent.
    , e4 x  n) C; s6 k& z$ E------------------------------------------------------------------------------' U5 y3 ]# h$ `3 ~: f* a# M% l
    4: It wasn’t enough. On the first ballot on Wednesday, Aug. 18, the penultimate day of the convention, Ford got 1,187 votes to Reagan’s 1,070. The incumbent president won just 57 votes more than he needed.
    $ e& S! D3 J# F" X+ y3 z6 p$ J其中:- V  Q* c0 K# `5 ^' n) u2 ^
    1 , 3 译为“现任者”  k' c) X0 Y6 n
    2 ,4 译为“现任的”
    0 H8 c7 A- h  E1 W% Z9 R4 v, l2 t( j, O5 v$ g- h8 \  o% |, F2 d) a
    你说的这个"at a particular time",是针对那句,如何解释呢,请再指导一下吧 4 m5 O5 X# L2 N
  • TA的每日心情
    2020-3-25 07:07
  • 签到天数: 5 天


     楼主| 发表于 2016-5-4 15:21:04 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 elusty 于 2016-5-4 16:01 编辑
    8 h: b' o7 {$ _
    2 D: V! N0 |# \6 i* }, A感谢各位提供的信息,现在感觉这个词理解成“在任”或“时任”较为准确,不一定是现任。
    # x& }. B$ s" ], W. N, |3 Q
    7 h: R9 }) V% j  d/ I. ]: y, R1 }那么,说明很多词典对current的解释误导了我们,这个词不一定指present,而是指"当时",“时下”,“当前”的意思。& r5 N- j& W+ L- D2 A- A+ Y
    英文词典里,random house和wiktionary给出了恰当的解释,wiktionary的解释最明确(当然,current也有目前,当前和现在的意思):0 H( I& W- G# O( ~4 t2 l& ]7 A
    - c" y9 U# j1 h. p, F( |( y7 T! I
    1) http://dictionary.infoplease.com/current
    5 N7 j9 Q3 r. r, r- J& h: F+ v( _Random House:
    : f: n9 X) ~  e! Y% W; ebelonging to the time actually passing! X; M8 J- e) o$ P
    / u# ~6 ^! L; \: [
    / I  x% j! @/ r) h0 H  t; E! y( J6 i9 LExisting or occurring at the moment.
    & O! {" t6 o2 \* m
    ( ^% o6 `7 J; d7 v5 a) L简单的词并不简单:" ?! A: D2 d! F
    9 Z% Q" i3 ]* p: H: ~* |/ Q
    6 |4 w, M* a4 e: i9 T8 mCALD对present的解释就不全面:
    3 W' V* {8 P9 Z, V' s) ^http://dictionary.cambridge.org/ ... esent#british-1-2-2% c! X3 Z# }) j( a0 F
    happening or existing now, a& L! U$ x; J2 x
    % |: C! ~! b  M8 @& Q. O3 w! k% ?
    Dictionary.com对present的解释全面:- H: a1 y+ ~7 Z# D
    / H( F3 w$ r  ]5 B3 i# w8 h( H
      k2 l" }$ i, T9 Z* c9 pbeing, existing, or occurring at this time or now; current:1 j/ k  z: x/ V
    increasing respect for the present ruler of the small country.3 A2 C. V1 @( A


    发表于 2016-5-4 21:46:27 | 显示全部楼层
    elusty 发表于 2016-5-4 15:210 o; ]5 m- y% E7 T: d1 d
    ; b- }5 q2 ]+ ]/ {+ O
    - ?& h# R; ]# `8 t( ?0 v3 o% E1 q; N那么,说明很多 ...
    % B( Z4 b: g8 v* O! C) ~1 v0 K, @

    " A) d4 u* a7 x% W3 n4 }2 ?3 N发现 OED 和 MWU/C 的 incumbent ,都没有出现 current 或类似字样,姜还是老的辣啊。! ^# V) _- w! b% k
    " z2 M& e1 J8 B1 {7 w; f" s
      n# _, h2 y2 w) G: R


    发表于 2016-5-4 22:10:21 | 显示全部楼层
    ncq001 发表于 2016-5-4 14:07' G" M. N/ B6 K# [1 W2 }% ~
    Gerald Ford 的例句网页有时进不去,就在进去后找了一下,这个页中尽然用了4次这个词:( n# Q2 N3 ]8 m" V7 A1 y
    1:  Ford and Jame ...
    * L9 O- j! [: V+ t3 l3 T  O

    3 D7 }" t3 I4 t7 A5 `1 F5 J+ \- {  x$ }+ T# U, F2 V" w: r6 z( {
    这篇文章里 https://www.washingtonpost.com/o ... 81c63c1b_story.html
    5 @' U0 Q. ]7 i# h" V. N1 v  e5 \2 E0 M0 f' v2 B6 w
    the incumbent (president) 是 1976 年的时任总统 Gerald Ford ,Ronald Reagan (也是共和党)和他争夺共和党总统候选人提名。% W: j( S% Q& b/ ^
    : u6 a( D  H/ w4 |
    ' O' Z% @0 f  f3 F7 J1 e7 K5 I5 K. ^: F/ A+ N6 y4 @
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