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[使用求助] 请问Goldendict和ABBYY Lingvo有什么关系?



发表于 2016-11-20 22:10:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
今天在网上看到了ABBYY lingvo词典,这个词典和Goldendict有什么关系?& ?( S, S2 |* U# q! m
Goldendict是否支持lingvo的词典格式?9 K3 c- o; I6 r8 r2 E
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    2023-2-4 11:26
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    发表于 2016-11-23 14:18:58 | 显示全部楼层
    # S! ~3 y% U! J: j& @PC的GoldenDict支持一下格式:
    , q2 T" r+ g3 e( _5 r5 ?& QSupport of multiple dictionary file formats, namely:* ~6 |4 {% t' k5 B' r
    Babylon .BGL files, complete with images and resources3 \* [! Z6 L& L: |; S4 L
    StarDict .ifo/.dict./.idx/.syn dictionaries
    / z3 x9 y( x1 }& }  I3 r1 oDictd .index/.dict(.dz) dictionary files
    ) W- S3 B2 f: D5 a7 Q1 {ABBYY Lingvo .dsl source files, together with abbreviations. The files can be optionally compressed with dictzip. Dictionary resources can be packed together into a .zip file.& M7 f0 [) y+ Z* }
    ABBYY Lingvo .lsa/.dat audio archives. Those can be indexed separately, or be referred to from .dsl files.


    感谢提供信息。  发表于 2016-11-23 16:16
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