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[语言求助] good的意义理解问题

  • TA的每日心情
    2020-10-31 16:41
  • 签到天数: 152 天


    发表于 2019-5-21 00:50:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    例句:Young Americans are energetic,ambitious, enterprising, and good.( ]/ t  r# n) m' r
    ( [9 @4 @! W8 x6 M1 v8 G7 Chigh quality
    , B+ |  Z' p# N3 A+ |1 \# y1   of high quality or an acceptable standard: r) s: L. u* h$ p# A; S( ~/ v
    a good book
    / c% w0 Y3 G: U5 w1 P1 j( egood food
    0 B6 e9 I9 H% r6 q" \! Z: vThe piano was in good condition.
    : ]) @5 x. P2 k1 _% pYour work is just not good enough.
    % @) U2 F/ L8 x  x6 o4 U$ ]: nThe results were pretty good.
    - Y: j* g+ q3 h# k; U5 B4 \  ASorry, my English is not very good.
    / e% q2 l5 I/ a" vThis is as good a place as any to spend the night.9 p, @% p3 c' L  Z' e3 X
    You'll never marry her—she's much too good for you.
    5 Y* [6 Z: Q$ ?1 B4 K9 `
    3 p, u( O2 l7 [1 i那么good用来形容人时可以指这个人是of high quality,即综合素质高吗?
  • TA的每日心情
    2023-6-11 12:43
  • 签到天数: 1541 天


    发表于 2019-5-21 07:03:53 | 显示全部楼层
    $ d6 I! m# e( S5 _/ z4 r# zCould you show us more context for better understanding? Good also has the meaning of 'morally correct or proper'. I do think 'good' is the proper word to describe young Americans.
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