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[语言讨论] made of / made from

  • TA的每日心情
    2022-9-25 21:09
  • 签到天数: 1136 天


    发表于 2019-7-1 18:53:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    made of / made from 的用法应该算是常见的考题。
    , {8 T6 Q9 V4 _& Q. t8 Q但是今天查 suit 这个辞,发现有的辞典是用 made of , 有的辞典是用 made from。
    3 v* d9 C' t- s0 j! D( m5 O是不是实用上并没有那么严格区分?
    3 I2 Y- e  C. V0 m
      n9 b& d& M8 k9 Nhttps://www.oxfordlearnersdictio ... glish/suit_1?q=suit1 M' R5 i4 t% ?3 H" ]& V
    a set of clothes made of the same cloth, including a jacket and trousers/pants or a skirt
    $ `, J4 f4 c, h1 }% d0 x0 e
    1 {- `! L! l8 t* O4 R( l& Shttps://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/suit2 r6 g4 F6 ^% ^: N  b; n
    a set of clothes made of the same material, usually including a jacket with trousers or a skirt2 u1 u5 m8 b) I
    ( @4 r, `) v- x

    # |. l/ S* F# w! N/ U: r+ k+ {1 Thttps://www.macmillandictionary.com/dictionary/british/suit_2$ e0 m9 M; {3 q4 w4 ?
    a set of clothes made from the same cloth, usually a jacket with trousers or a skirt& n+ t" ?/ m+ z' Y6 \
    1 e' l  a! i4 G/ z
    https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/suit+ v* I" p- T; }/ z+ ]4 T) v
    a jacket and trousers or a jacket and skirt that are made from the same material:
    & \% x! i: K6 c4 @
    1 o: s6 r" L: q3 V/ e* H/ N0 j% K/ I- b. d( y


    发表于 2019-7-1 20:16:49 | 显示全部楼层
    看这个:https://english.stackexchange.co ... de-from-and-made-of( ]" O8 x, Q1 ?8 V0 b; q

    * ]% R2 N5 |# l简而言之就是,有区别,可是区分得不严格,不遵守也没事儿* ?9 c; ]3 M- p* t7 Q$ ~' H

      u7 ^$ c: T+ Q1 D8 F# X/ K4 b


    现在想想以前考试有些地方太强调对错  发表于 2019-7-1 21:19
  • TA的每日心情
    2020-3-25 07:07
  • 签到天数: 5 天


    发表于 2019-7-1 20:29:28 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 elusty 于 2019-7-1 20:50 编辑 . j& O0 Y2 @/ X' A4 M! Q+ B4 J
    5 I9 ~# Z% N4 `, j" T) p
    made from 强调制造方式;
    % S  ^* F0 ~* C+ d8 ?) Kmade of 强调物品的基本构成:Coach Shane专门有一期讲解了四个词:made of, made from, made out of, made with. 1 g8 L" n. R) h5 C' r
    4 n/ R9 L9 R& K% d% S0 i. S我们平时说的是否改变形状和外观的from和of,他也提到了,是一个规则。) a2 h4 {- ?1 L1 v& \* U$ `+ h" n

    ) A$ }" U4 R1 K# O+ r( p剑桥:+ l" G5 N( A7 e% X5 C" I& j' L; H6 _. v
    Made from. W' {# ]# o4 p8 [5 l8 F8 A( `
    We often use made from when we talk about how something is manufactured:
    Plastic is made from oil.
    The earliest canoes were made from tree trunks.
    ' C1 _5 P4 I" h! z$ t) C
    ! T- W9 V; t3 T5 F
    ' ?( u: e  e5 y% @* I5 x
    Made of
    2 g2 K- i5 N- n, g3 r5 M  _( \
    We use made of when we talk about the basic material or qualities of something. It has a meaning similar to ‘composed of’:
    She wore a beautiful necklace made of silver.

    * ~% \" O( P- E" o  h0 K/ Q% I
    ; Y& Q, x5 M. I& E# \, O* x
    5 [1 v- l' u; n5 u/ v
    $ S, O5 l7 r: y
  • TA的每日心情
    18 小时前
  • 签到天数: 2191 天


    发表于 2019-7-1 20:33:01 | 显示全部楼层
    葛传椝英语惯用法词典 make 词条
    ) X. l  d# R+ E
    7 P+ n7 N. g8 ^: u# T% q2 H
    4. 说“把(原料)做成(东西)”,假使那原料并不变化得看不出原料,那表示原料的词的前面用 of,否则用 from,如 We make tables of wood 和 We make paper from rags。木材做成了桌子仍旧看得出是木材,但破布做成了纸便看不出是破布了。这里所说的“变化得看不出原料”,仔细想来,没有绝对的标准,如把面粉做成了馒头,不能断定是否“变化得看不出原料”,在这种情形用 of 或 from 都可以。  $ K- {5 ]& z% h" G4 U* q
    不用 of 或 from 而用 out of,便加重了语气。

    8 `7 {& k% G7 q1 g5 P0 q5 n, i! @# x $ ^1 P+ K! C* j8 g* }

    % |4 y6 w5 l4 |' C* m


    以前背的是这种讲法。谢谢。  发表于 2019-7-1 21:15
  • TA的每日心情
    2022-1-21 00:52
  • 签到天数: 699 天


    发表于 2019-7-1 20:36:07 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 cocowind 于 2019-7-1 20:42 编辑 ! Z5 F* d: [0 t) \

    3 U8 i; r' }1 Q& b% d3 ^
    9 s8 Q8 |( i. i) U& e6 U  o% q! v/ B9 k" R7 V5 Z
    Michael Swan_牛津英语用法指南(新版)_斯旺著_外语教学与研究出版社_2010+ t5 v: f2 c$ p* N+ }

    1 Q, N) j# ^& d; W3 [, D* g* b9 |! R, I' p# p0 }
  • TA的每日心情
    2021-3-1 09:31
  • 签到天数: 6 天


    发表于 2019-7-2 15:23:54 | 显示全部楼层
    elusty 发表于 2019-7-1 20:29! p2 V: r( `/ j- U  }* c4 Y% ~
    made from 强调制造方式;1 ~2 _+ j* k! `: R3 V; A) ^- |
    made of 强调物品的基本构成:Coach Shane专门有一期讲解了四个词:made of, mad ...
    8 P2 n2 f6 N& r
    我也看CS 的,这个是在口语的那块,还是听力的那块?
  • TA的每日心情
    2020-3-25 07:07
  • 签到天数: 5 天


    发表于 2019-7-2 17:32:10 | 显示全部楼层
    wpa 发表于 2019-7-2 15:239 v* [( S1 Y0 P2 g/ t+ {
    我也看CS 的,这个是在口语的那块,还是听力的那块?
    6 b8 c' ?( F: A9 {8 Y
    我是在油管上看到的:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UAc5yO9ONIA/ P! U+ Z# p6 r  u+ u% q& ~7 S/ n+ X
      e- t) {- T  I/ L5 l* l
    1 ^0 {: V* ^2 a5 y, R, h) t7 j///////////////////" Q5 f* i; T; |/ \" A0 ~: |
    The week's challenge was HOW TO USE:% R2 L# }  v7 L2 N% {; r9 \+ C% e

    8 D6 M0 `0 B( m( `2 {3 ~made of ~
    1 ]. @' R$ S) W: o4 K2 _made from ~
    5 i. K, ^; V% e5 T# R+ |made with ~. |; x$ Z9 ?" _
    made out of ~; c7 F4 g6 L+ s" [( ?
    2 h3 ^$ k0 j: ^# p; A2 s* b. x% H
    The answer: Most native English speakers do NOT distinguish. We mix them up. BUT, there are some rules:
    5 X. ?0 H4 e& f* w& e6 D
    - o0 i' ]! o4 `$ X2 f# n  k6 f. b! S. q4 e; J! s* |
    Made of ~ does not change form (house—still bricks, shirt—still cotton)" Y* E0 O* Y+ ~/ d# Z# f" }
    Made from ~ changes form (paper from trees, wine from grapes)  
    / B- k% E- K  B+ p3 W) h                     (cannot reconstitute--cannot go back to trees/grapes)
    7 \5 C5 U+ i# FMade with ~ care/love/meaning OR a mixture (A cake is made with eggs,
    ! ^, q( J+ n5 m: G+ L                     flour, butter, sugar)
    0 b! O' k1 Q3 NMade out of ~ the source (especially ONE source/ingredient)—
    / o3 }6 H& w* i- g                     wine/cotton/plastic/wood. My remote control is made out of
    " H$ N% L+ |+ W7 t: }, q) A                     plastic. # r" G: M0 i# T

    * ]3 w7 f7 j" g, Z% a6 W0 B3 ?* \9 g
    : q& v9 v8 h/ Z: D4 S9 m; E
    3 j# X: G2 E: i: FIt's a little confusing. And in most situations, more than one answer is possible. But NOT always!9 h2 N9 p0 J& \, T6 ~
    + Z3 M0 L0 t" R8 v5 X
    The answers to the QUIZ at the end of the video:  I have chosen the BEST answer first^^, h5 `1 U# b! j/ A1 r
    " ^2 Q2 O1 C/ ?: P% U& Y

    4 i$ j- h! p2 L1. Orange juice is made out of oranges.  (Also "from" is possible.)' @  F& F) d4 W4 c
    # L, x  k( h) F- z" ]: m

    3 o! i. `7 n7 B9 B, y7 I  v3 E
    2. This house is made of wood. ("out of" and "with" are also possible)
    - B$ t- g* D- X1 |& v5 [2 }5 h
    7 G6 R8 w/ f! \0 ]

    3 c3 l* T# ~) T5 W) X3. This dress is made of silk. ("out of" is also possible)
    ) P9 n* q9 c/ \! H4 }; V/ |2 q/ o  U* f

    6 t3 b) ~- C/ Y$ @$ X) s6 t
    2 A! J+ C/ x) |7 W8 C) w$ d# T4. This house is made of trees. ("out of" is also possible)
    ! F% C; ?1 `% w1 W! C5 X3 h2 e
    ) K4 f4 u- I& r! }- u2 u
    * N, q, a$ w7 j7 u% p+ w

    1 _: a4 }  S$ e5 m7 C5. This soup is made with chicken.. a2 d8 \% Q0 I7 Y! @, S6 p; r

    4 y6 I" T2 l3 F# G

    9 o- d" `, J5 |% G" k" Y: Q
    / E  u8 Q6 o( w3 p3 H- ?: j3 y6. This sandwich is made with cheese.+ G# m# k6 P; }

    , w* \* \) W* I$ @; e2 P
    7 G) ?0 v+ X) Y2 [

    " t9 i# p  H, [8 k7. This sidewalk is made from old tires. ("out of" is also possible)4 Q0 F8 c0 L* @, ^) I
    ; W- C# S7 h; A8 i. m8 x/ d

    % H3 K. E  b6 k; e
    2 w2 ]/ n0 i$ Y' P" _8. This statue is made out of marble. ("of" is also possible)) V$ m4 F! G1 x4 p" s5 x
    " O2 T/ P$ `& M7 X; i

    0 |$ D2 I7 m3 c" U5 o% z9 ~8 V: \0 I2 L* i& V, r
    9. These Christmas cards are made with love.
    ) A/ q! Y. y9 c  F& X/ P
    . o9 G( A. y4 R0 [+ u

    % t0 P3 ^8 G* J' L  Q
    # Z2 L$ u& _' ^2 ]10. Ice cream is made with cream. ("from" and "out of" are also possible)
    ! H  T4 s0 P$ _' q5 q$ y
    - M1 \! Y' Y5 Q; o! ?& f


    太棒了,感谢。不知道你有没有订阅他的邮件(上次在他的官网上随便逛的时候知道的),他好像每天都推送一些干货,我感觉不错  发表于 2019-7-7 19:34
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