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[词典校勘] approach@新时代英汉大词典



发表于 2019-10-16 14:53:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
3 S+ |! c" ^; `5 e2 c4 k$ D- ]  ]8 h4 P% ~+ R
ground 条目下:, Y# M$ m0 w0 L& S) N

+ H# V5 C- `/ S5 _* H& u. `& J* S0 P! v

6 H3 O+ Z0 Q7 A) l( c! L这句的翻译里,mid-没了姑且不说,「演绎学说」是什么?' }& T( D+ m/ b4 S3 @2 |

% h; ~: p- o  \! n按说语言学应该是各位编辑的长项呀,这个明明是「基于演绎的路子/路线」!& L) E5 o4 U5 R6 B- |* C# w8 Y/ g& ~

( u" e0 ]* L. P5 x文馨当代:6 m0 `/ B6 u" E

  o5 ?3 w( D  a" e
' O! c9 L- d& Y' ^; r8 z' v% i•This book provides a good approach to psychology.本书提供研究心理学的良好门径。
& K2 Q, q6 k& X; }3 b! H2 A/ B( T( R•the best approach to the learning of French学习法文的最佳途径7 c+ \& f  Q7 s! ?/ r6 j! _
•the oral approach(外国语的)口说教学法

0 g; @  v4 f, V( M( K( i" L7 y" F, d+ @& x% P2 ?
了解语言学的人应该也知道,这个「基于演绎的路子/路线」说的是Chomskyan linguistics,人家是有正式名字的,deductive 只是描述其特征,哪有用局部特征直接称呼「学说」的!- b* Q4 ?0 S& T9 h* U

' e# I/ k/ ?+ v5 r' m: E* U$ E1 a0 n. c/ U. G( L
不出意外,新时代英汉大词典条下面,approach:8 b9 ?- s+ x9 q
4 k8 }, G: X1 c9 b

6 T+ g; ^4 {; V$ b- ~% J# U: g1 |! Z6 d/ r% e, x
4 S$ }) }4 L0 U! ?3 A7 A( ~6 S; j. b2 ^. B( F. Z4 s5 @
3 f1 _" U) P2 J( w2 \" ]7 Q! Z6 v
6 u: T9 Z+ o( N6 H* i没有上下文,我们可以合理推测,这句话的意思也许是:从英国、美国两种视角看待,毕竟英国、美国文学用的是同一种语言,却有地域差异、文化差异……所以需要从自身的角度,再从他者的角度看……
) p4 M/ c, E) t9 X
5 R4 @. }( t( c两个问题:" t6 p: M- N4 ~  g+ p1 b

2 U! d: L( g* \+ e5 t/ n; I1. approach 不是学说,翻译不当;
# q, t; ^1 E' c! K# X( V. F$ i2. approach 本身选的例句不好
* u$ B+ t. r. f6 L( F1 H1 p6 E


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  • TA的每日心情
    2023-11-29 11:30
  • 签到天数: 335 天


    发表于 2019-10-16 15:20:49 | 显示全部楼层
    deductive approach  演绎法/演绎论?
    6 n' W! y+ b# ^3 g/ T6 A+ v: n1 `, m0 D/ V; V( {9 K
    double approach  双重视角?


    演绎法是固有名词,不能用  发表于 2019-10-16 15:56


    发表于 2019-10-17 10:21:46 | 显示全部楼层


    发表于 2020-4-28 16:18:03 | 显示全部楼层
    从词源看,approach本意是接近事物的方法,后引申为解决问题的办法,那deductive approach无非是推论/演绎法或者学说


     楼主| 发表于 2020-4-30 16:48:20 | 显示全部楼层
    MYsedulous 发表于 2020-4-28 16:18
    ! {7 Q) t+ Y, U9 I# H: H1 ]7 Z从词源看,approach本意是接近事物的方法,后引申为解决问题的办法,那deductive approach无非是推论/演绎 ...

    , D* T! x. K: v9 [( s5 V" }译者当然很可能就是照你这个思路翻的,问题是跟实情不符呀
  • TA的每日心情
    2018-8-8 03:13
  • 签到天数: 1 天


    发表于 2020-4-30 17:23:38 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 喬治兄 于 2020-4-30 17:26 编辑
      b1 K/ [  L, g% h$ i  v
    klwo2 发表于 2020-4-30 16:48
    ' x2 m# @+ H+ G; N# x# x' u9 A译者当然很可能就是照你这个思路翻的,问题是跟实情不符呀
    " z& p& O  G& `* ]  P- I- F
    $ I7 d6 n5 a0 e
    * K4 r* b& m* f* V" yv4 h+ z5 r: F3 x! ]# R* L0 q
    1. near, come near or nearer, draw near or nearer, come close or closer, draw close or closer; draw nigh to, move closer to, Inf. belly up to, edge closer to; come within range, gain on, overtake, catch up to; hail, accost, confront, address, greet, salute, speak to.
    ; q; t* m/ u: }4 l3 n) X9 b2. approximate, nearly equal, come close to; resemble, be much like, be similar to, be comparable to., j7 w5 w. a  P! C4 \/ C. J+ I1 S
    3. present, offer, suggest, propose, recommend, advance, sound out; bring up, introduce, mention, broach; bring or put forward, propound, proffer, tender, hold out.7 _. F. L, c) J
    4. set about, begin, start, commence, make a start, take the first step, Inf. get the show on the road.4 q" X9 u" e* |* I/ ?( s; Q
    5. make advances to, make overtures to, proposition, solicit.
    : g- F5 v  {& e5 Q, @' D& [. E6 Sn
      R$ l' a4 Y) P* h1 p6. nearness, close approximation, proximity, vicinity, neighborhood, propinquity.2 P& Y$ {5 ^0 p+ x
    7. access, entrance, entry, entryway, entree, inlet, ingress; ramp, drive, driveway, lane, path, pathway, sidewalk; road, route, roadway, course, street, avenue, boulevard; highway, turnpike, pike, freeway, expressway, parkway, causeway, throughway; main road, highroad, thoroughfare, state highway, U.S. Inf. interstate, state highway, tollroad; speedway, autobahn, superhighway.4 v$ A+ u  W$ a
    8. door, doorway, hatch, gate, gateway, postern, portal; threshold, stile, turnstile, wicket; hall, hallway, passage, passageway, arcade, gangway, walkway, corridor, gallery; lobby, foyer, vestibule, anteroom, waiting room; anteporch, porch, portico.
    6 C* J# W" A" T" _  j9. method, procedure, steps, course, mode, way, manner, style.
    % j- H+ d5 z. D
    10. advance, overture, prelude, motion, gesture; offer, invitation, proposal, proposition.
    # y9 ]0 b3 F9 s* l9 X8 }& e11. presentation, offer, proposal, idea, thought, suggestion, recommendation.
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