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[学习讨论] 请教写作中这几个太老套的词怎么替换?

  • TA的每日心情
    2022-10-7 09:22
  • 签到天数: 832 天


    发表于 2019-11-15 10:40:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    At that/this point in time0 o- S3 ?0 }* O# p* ]' `# {
    1 r+ |/ V/ S2 w• At the present time
    + h) x; M7 d4 E$ u# Z3 ]目前7 ?0 g9 o# ]4 |1 o; [3 H; M( L
    • At this time and place
    % B2 x/ S/ P: `在这个时间和地点( R3 F+ \+ o# G, C( d
    • Better than ever, R* {7 y$ v$ n, A* t$ U
    比以往任何时候都好$ P6 B! h) |8 w( \& l- U2 u; S
    • Contrary to popular opinion/according to popular opinion: y/ H( C8 e% X, R7 A
    , f1 T. w: ?, M5 i• Due to the fact that
    5 x7 o. A% J; S* a$ i$ B因为事实上1 E1 t; p( I( }6 G
    • Easier said than done
    + }+ f0 k0 |+ S6 W0 {0 k; G说起来容易做起来难; u+ r+ r/ a6 y4 L
    • Few and far between+ ]7 C% j2 @- [4 r% }' \
    很少,而且相隔很远- ^: D9 H1 S- A& V. K: r1 X1 G
    • From the beginning of time/since the beginning of time4 B& [. k- Q% `! D* Z* w
    & m0 E8 b: {- K1 r! R• In today’s world/in the world today0 ]4 D0 f5 j1 w" ~! A0 u  a
    在当今世界上! x# I4 e1 N7 R. ]- ^; s" L
    • Last but not least
    7 m* y1 j: o0 D8 C3 ?6 j最后但并非最不重要
    $ I: @3 A  M. o• Over and above5 h6 z; ~% N; c9 r9 W/ S
    ; N; ]0 I. U2 J, n# [• When all is said and done7 I+ K: }0 e' u0 X5 e; R
    ( T: l+ u" s3 y- _+ v
    4 ?. ~: S  x( dThis list is just a sampling of boring, trite, overused expressions. You can find more examples online. Change these expressions if you find them in your essays  `8 ^3 k+ H6 |# J0 I4 c. Q1 V3 h

    ' e! E- w$ I# @- k6 T/ ^8 d


    发表于 2019-11-15 11:16:04 | 显示全部楼层
    4 F* w3 v, Q- z8 _' Z4 R2 [' H7 m* Q6 |9 v6 A  D, c, p

    $ {* B$ y9 K1 B/ M1 m+ L
    # h( S. D. D  V5 m0 U) r  f7 B- b1 P$ \0 D: q$ }! X+ I

    7 ?" f4 {6 O& W6 N- c" e
    " f( _* S  o! X; S9 {: c4 Q. n9 e% f! `! G9 B
    9 _, Q4 n- R( C) p" b. g
    4 L5 M, T! o) c" N7 O$ v! c1 \

    4 [$ ^4 g4 a# n* G: X+ B$ C
    : H5 ~# _( w* U0 A- E7 j) t, ~1 H$ v! V

    2 r0 @8 V/ j* f2 K/ w7 U- s4 S* B2 q) _9 [# m
    ; t# O0 S9 r# d% L& W; m

    . B( k5 G6 S" x2 q* a
    4 {* B1 f: V8 o; ^9 n' B/ [" Z/ B2 I3 b; c+ J
  • TA的每日心情
    2019-10-13 07:34
  • 签到天数: 209 天


    发表于 2019-11-15 12:31:22 | 显示全部楼层
    **Multi-language Thesaurus Query and Replacement**
    0 B# H1 A7 \* v0 r[Ron89/thesaurus_query.vim](https://github.com/Ron89/thesaurus_query.vim)
    2 D5 G4 R3 M! Q# G# W/ q; q% V7 \* {: j& R: F
    A thesaurus can give you access to a wider range of vocabulary by listing synonyms of a particular word or phrase. The Multi-Language Thesaurus Query/Replacement Plugin checks for the available synonyms for the word currently under the cursor (or multiple words highlighted in visual mode) and enables you to replace them with any suggestion easily. The currently supported languages are English, Chinese, Russian, and German.
    6 v  I' h0 U: ?) j) c$ L/ m) {
    ' Y/ T' |( V- y0 z  h& \* wThis is a plugin for user to lookup synonyms of any word under cursor or phrase covered in visual mode, and replace it with an user chosen synonym. It also accepts word/phrases from manual input for synonym checkup.9 g9 x4 C4 ~5 U. G* i
  • TA的每日心情
    2022-10-7 09:22
  • 签到天数: 832 天


     楼主| 发表于 2019-11-15 13:02:28 | 显示全部楼层
    非常感谢楼上的回答,https://www.thesaurus.com/writin ... 0story%20or%20poem.* c* M& M" W% T5 ^/ m/ D
  • TA的每日心情
    2021-1-11 21:26
  • 签到天数: 313 天


    发表于 2019-12-23 23:04:35 | 显示全部楼层
    ) g4 S  `" ^( ?* Y8 ]; x平时查字典。
    & D( r$ F( g+ H8 ^; l, K" ]若要自如用,# z$ U) l# m1 e3 p, [
    9 r' Q" h- T2 ?; n( d8 r
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