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[语言求助] 请教game of chicken在这里是什么意思

  • TA的每日心情

    2020-2-23 10:00
  • 签到天数: 100 天


    发表于 2020-1-13 16:57:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    本帖最后由 TinaIsBunny 于 2020-1-13 17:17 编辑
    ' U# Z: N$ a3 m2 J7 M2 k
    ! R0 [8 a2 x5 A  JOur first story of the week centers on what could be called a high stakes and dangerous game of chicken played out by warships in the Arabian Sea. It involves the United States and Russia but if you ask who`s responsible you`ll get two very different answers. Last week the U.S. Navy said one of its destroyers was aggressively approached by a Russian ship. American defense officials say this video show the Russian vessel coming as close as 180 feet from the American one before changing course. The U.S. Navy says it sounded the International Maritime signal for collision danger and asked the Russian ship to change its course but that because it delayed following the rules the Russian ship increased the chances of a collision before eventually turning away. Russia disagrees with that summary. It says the American warship broke international rules by making a move that crossed the Russian ship`s course and that it was the Russian ship that prevented the collision by maneuvering away. Something like this between the same two countries also happened last June. That incident was in the Pacific Ocean. The two warships involved came so close that the U.S. had to make an emergency move to avoid a collision but then as now Russian media said it was their country`s ship that suddenly changed direction to avoid hitting the American one. There have been a number of military incidents that American officials have called unsafe or provocative. A reporter from National Public Radio described them as cat and mouse games between the U.S. and Russia that were common during the Cold War. The latest near miss in the Arabian Sea came in a body of water where`s there`s a lot of maritime traffic and where a large amount of the world`s crude oil passes through.1 h8 m: v; ~" e* X' R

    9 A4 T( b  G2 _" W
    7 ^0 j- I* M. f: s9 E' [$ A请问,第一句中的high stakes and dangerous game of chicken是什么意思?8 \2 _/ K& t3 v6 w1 ~


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  • TA的每日心情
    2021-9-13 19:44
  • 签到天数: 120 天


    发表于 2020-1-13 17:37:49 | 显示全部楼层
    “懦夫博弈”(the game of chicken)是博弈论中的一个概念。在这个博弈论模型中,两名车手沿着一条直线相对而行,相撞前首先转向的一方被认为是“懦夫”,而另一方则胜出。由于英语中常使用chicken来形容胆小的人,所以该博弈被称为“the game of chicken”,即懦夫博弈、胆小鬼博弈。
    " P; x( c# A9 l7 ~2 n. k8 ?eg.
    9 |0 j0 z6 _; d; V: }& E% @9 z8 m3 iA game of chicken is being played around Asia’s flash points. It is only a matter of time before a clash occurs. 在亚洲紧张形势一触即发的地方,正在展开一场懦夫博弈。冲突发生只是时间问题


    长知识了  发表于 2020-1-13 17:45
  • TA的每日心情
    2022-9-25 21:09
  • 签到天数: 1136 天


    发表于 2020-1-13 18:54:49 | 显示全部楼层
    好像还有一种变形的玩法,开车冲向悬崖, 看谁先踩煞车。
    5 X+ A+ _" f7 o# }" v可以看一下电影“回到未来”, chicken 从第一集用到第三集。
  • TA的每日心情

    2020-2-23 10:00
  • 签到天数: 100 天


     楼主| 发表于 2020-1-13 22:06:34 | 显示全部楼层
    oversky 发表于 2020-1-13 18:545 q4 Q3 @9 x, d0 i1 P3 I# @1 E
    好像还有一种变形的玩法,开车冲向悬崖, 看谁先踩煞车。
    ( y8 d1 R7 w3 C" [3 }0 P$ {可以看一下电影“回到未来”, chicken 从第一集用 ...

    # B, ?1 \" T6 ^( l/ }% ~; c大概讲下这个电影的剧情吧
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