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[语言求助] 关于美国大选 初选的一个政策问题没有看懂

  • TA的每日心情

    2020-2-23 10:00
  • 签到天数: 100 天


    发表于 2020-2-5 22:26:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    本帖最后由 TinaIsBunny 于 2020-2-5 22:27 编辑
    . w3 t/ b1 S; w6 l! r1 U6 S2 D; L, v  }# ~. H
    Iowa and New Hampshire get to pick first in the presidential primary process. Iowa and New Hampshire didn`t gain prominence until after chaos tainted the 1968 Democratic primary in Chicago. Inside the convention hall, delegates picked Hubert Humphrey as their nominee that year, even though he didn`t run in the primary. Outside, protesters rose up in anger against the Vietnam war and the political system. 7 B& F( T) G0 o- Y

    0 [! {1 U. j; n' F$ ~2 N% u9 K; TThe next year, primary voters got more say in the process. New Hampshire`s leaders had had foresight to put their primary first back in the 1920s. Iowa ended up being the first caucus by accident though. There were no hotel rooms available for the regularly scheduled state party convention, so Democratic leaders moved the caucuses up to comply with the state law. Both states have guarded their first in the nation status with laws ever since. % X1 |) E* X5 k$ M+ c

    3 ~6 N6 L- e  t# z' o9 IEven though they go first, Iowa and New Hampshire actually end up being more important for gaining momentum than for actually picking who the president is going to be. Iowa and New Hampshire don`t always pick the winner of the primary. Donald Trump didn`t win Iowa in 2016 and Hillary Clinton, she didn`t win in New Hampshire.8 n- k; G' X3 v
    / _# a. ~; t! L. A

    * `5 r1 O: }- _0 U. H, j
    0 y- ^8 u7 F; T9 ^2 U9 X3 r

    " x2 ^7 o7 r& x: l! U- Z
    8 m3 `# o& U. f# J1 Y1 O+ c0 b8 a

    8 T3 M) s" V/ e文章有的地方没看懂。主要是整体的逻辑没理清。有人能看明白么?
    $ S7 ?) J# B" S/ ^. g) y0 _* Y/ @
    7 F0 O8 L7 d# c
  • TA的每日心情

    2020-2-23 10:00
  • 签到天数: 100 天


     楼主| 发表于 2020-2-5 23:04:32 | 显示全部楼层
    elusty 发表于 2020-2-5 23:00
    ; o) A* }' P  h' Y+ ^# {两州是最早举行总统初选/会议的州,起到预测和推波助澜的作用,所以很重要。但是,两州的预测,并不总是很 ...
    1 P/ |; G  G: Z6 A0 ~! K# D
    Iowa ended up being the first caucus by accident though. There were no hotel rooms available for the regularly scheduled state party convention, so Democratic leaders moved the caucuses up to comply with the state law. 0 o2 p7 j# F; o7 U
    $ D) a8 j  B* j$ q, B
  • TA的每日心情
    2020-3-25 07:07
  • 签到天数: 5 天


    发表于 2020-2-5 23:00:05 | 显示全部楼层
  • TA的每日心情
    2020-3-25 07:07
  • 签到天数: 5 天


    发表于 2020-2-6 07:36:17 | 显示全部楼层
    TinaIsBunny 发表于 2020-2-5 23:04' B. j/ ]2 n% F) p# a) z
    Iowa ended up being the first caucus by accident though. There were no hotel rooms available for th ...
    , U5 L, P" G" g- F
    # @! D# n- p1 f# c  w艾奥瓦州的选举非常复杂,我也不太清楚,找了一段文字,供你参考:" E  `0 @1 L! Q4 }+ Z  T% z- f
    7 A/ [1 j, Q. D
    艾奥瓦州共有99个郡(counties),目前分属4个国会选区(congressional districts)、下辖1681个片区(precincts)。2月1日当天,艾奥瓦州民主党同时举行了1683场党团会议,除了每个片区1场外,还增设了1场“电话党团会议”供正在服兵役的党员参与,与1场“卫星党团会议”供有特殊困难无法亲临所在片区会场的党员参与。每个片区根据注册民主党员的人数,确定该片区党团会议所能产生的“郡代表(county delegate)”数目;今年1681个片区共有11065个郡代表名额。在党团会议现场,一名候选人的支持者数量每达到一个“有效门槛(参见表一),便算赢得了一“”选民,从而获得一个郡代表名额。“电话党团会议”与“卫星党团会议”则不产生郡代表,而是分别直接产生2名3名州代表(state delegates)”。
    党团会议只是艾奥瓦州民主党复杂的总统初选流程的第一步。接下来,各片区党团会议产生的11065名郡代表,必须参加3月12日所在各郡分别召开的郡党代会(county conventions),并在会上再推举出1401名州代表。这些州代表将首先分别参加4月30日所在各国会选区的区党代会(district conventions),然后再与电话、卫星党团会议所产生的5名州代表一起,共同参加6月18日的州党代会(state convention)。
    区党代会与州党代会的任务,是推选出代表艾奥瓦州参加今年7月25日民主党全国代表大会、并在全代会上正式提名民主党总统候选人的“宣誓代表(pledged delegates)”。其中,各区代会负责推举该国会选区的“分区代表(district-level delegates)”;而州党代会则负责推举“州级代表(state-level delegates)”,包括从普通党员中选出的“不分区代表(at-large delegates)”,和有党职或官职在身(PLEO, Party Leader and Elected Official)的“宣誓领导代表(pledged PLEO delegates)”。作为宣誓代表团成员,分区代表和州级代表们在全国代表大会上,必须严格按照区代会、州代会的指示来提名总统候选人。除了宣誓代表之外,艾奥瓦今年还有8个“不宣誓领导代表(unpledged PLEO delegates)”名额,也就是俗称的“超级代表(super-delegates)”;他们可以按自己的意愿支持任一候选人,而不受民意或党代会决议的约束(其中6人此前已宣布支持希拉里;当然,他们随时可以改口支持桑德斯)。
    + U) T5 n! N9 n2 v# A


    发表于 2020-2-6 12:02:58 | 显示全部楼层
    TinaIsBunny 发表于 2020-2-5 23:046 |( |$ T$ `" x$ x8 |- X
    Iowa ended up being the first caucus by accident though. There were no hotel rooms available for th ...
    2 P) ?: i9 Q8 ?2 T* C# A4 a; P1 q0 V2 V
    由于chaos tainted the 1968 Democratic primary in Chicago,民主党规定了at least 30 days between major state and local political processes.
    ! _1 K: q7 J5 j0 n! ]% w) n: s
    0 u3 M6 f1 {9 Z+ r! j! C而当时Iowa总统候选人提名机制分为the caucus, the county convention, the congressional district conventions, the state conventions. 其中state convention预定在6月份某个周末举行,但当时酒店没有空房,因此民主党将state conventions时间提前,相应的也只能把caucuses时间提前。所以Iowa因为酒店意外,变成了初选第一州。New Hampshire的共和党人跟进,以期取得先发优势。
    : P: S7 |9 z& k+ h" L
    4 P. i. e! {, b6 O4 h4 R% F" E详细: https://constitutioncenter.org/b ... -hampshire-go-first
  • TA的每日心情
    2021-1-11 21:26
  • 签到天数: 313 天


    发表于 2020-2-6 14:53:10 | 显示全部楼层
    TinaIsBunny 发表于 2020-2-5 23:04: C& }; H' P" j# J8 ~8 {- d
    Iowa ended up being the first caucus by accident though. There were no hotel rooms available for th ...
    $ F: v% W: Q& V( B* Q& {* ~3 j, E
    4 h. v$ W3 X& a2 l. B- ~把caucuses的日子提前以遵守州法律/为了遵守州法律,把caucuses的日子提前
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