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[语言求助] his 指代谁?

  • TA的每日心情
    2021-10-13 22:11
  • 签到天数: 73 天


    发表于 2020-5-12 10:01:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    The best parts of the book are the sections in which Mr Caparrós interviews hungry people. He hangs out with a woman who scavenges a rubbish tip in Argentina, with an Indian widow who has been left to die in a holy city and with a peasant farmer in Niger who keeps glancing at his chunky digital watch. He asks stupid questions, as good journalists do, and gets answers that reveal much about how extremely poor people think.8 O: n5 d( h  G1 G- s: G' n

    8 Z( D4 I+ v8 G) B. u/ F7 m译文:这本书最精彩的部分是卡帕罗斯对饥民的采访。他的访谈对象包括一个在阿根廷的垃圾场里拾荒的女人、一个被遗弃在一座圣城里等死的印度寡妇,还有一个尼日尔农民(他一直盯着卡帕罗斯那块厚重的数字手表)。像优秀记者都会干的那样,他问了一些蠢问题,得到的答案却有力地揭示出极度贫困的人们的想法。! t0 C4 e- _2 Y' e" q5 X
    请问这句话中的 his 指代谁?
    ) }- O7 {& o# {- O4 H' K! {' W4 K从译文看,his 指代 Mr Caparrós。
    : f' G6 G4 `/ b( D2 |, H/ h问了两个人。一个说 his 在这里可以指代 Mr Caparrós,也可以指代 peasant farmer,要根据上下文来判断。另一个说根据就近原则,his 应该指代 Mr Caparrós。
    # {6 _! @9 i* \. \" b; |我倾向于 his 指代 Mr Caparrós。
    % `5 s/ B1 a1 E, D4 E" c; y; e; u/ r
  • TA的每日心情
    2021-1-11 21:26
  • 签到天数: 313 天


    发表于 2020-5-12 11:22:00 | 显示全部楼层
    The best parts of the book are the sections in which Mr Caparrós interviews hungry people. He hangs out with a woman who scavenges a rubbish tip in Argentina, with an Indian widow who has been left to die in a holy city and with a peasant farmer in Niger who keeps glancing at his chunky digital watch.
    ) m. o& r! l' V& A! h------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    / I& \. o( H# }2 K9 u* Q毫无疑问:# U$ Y1 q' T. m2 C, }6 @
    Mr Caparrós←his
    2 g. O2 p/ K9 Z. c: b, Q9 z
    6 ~2 K# d0 P) _( `2 c% c0 [4 W很清楚,a peasant farmer in Niger属于hungry people中的一员,哪里能有chunky digital watch这样的奢侈品?$ a7 I0 Y: q7 N1 K" r+ x
  • TA的每日心情
    2021-10-13 22:11
  • 签到天数: 73 天


     楼主| 发表于 2020-5-12 11:30:59 | 显示全部楼层
    mxh3698 发表于 2020-5-12 11:22
    4 S; F0 ?$ |9 X" ]2 \, LThe best parts of the book are the sections in which Mr Caparrós interviews hungry people. He hangs ...
    $ @) @; e6 x2 {0 ]
    我问的第一个人也是这种观点:chunky digital watch 是奢侈品。
  • TA的每日心情
    2021-1-11 21:26
  • 签到天数: 313 天


    发表于 2020-5-12 12:09:07 | 显示全部楼层
    葡萄柚 发表于 2020-5-12 11:30
    ( i* T: X. `; r) Z' C我问的第一个人也是这种观点:chunky digital watch 是奢侈品。

    5 F+ L' e3 O4 h: H0 u5 ^+ b2 kchunky digital water 是不是奢侈品,要看对谁而言——
    & V" O7 y$ U8 f# C! [+ W8 n8 L! c对于挨饿的穷人而言,绝对是,这就是为什么盯着不放的原因8 S" z) Y3 _( r" h- i; L7 a. W
    但是注意一下chunky这个词:说明要不然是电子表刚刚发明,体积还没降下来(就像手机的最初形式 大哥大 一样),要不然就并不是多好的digital watch,看是过时的
    + Y( n* P1 ~4 ?. Z( Q& n( C- k但是不管哪种,对于穷人而言,都是奢侈品。
  • TA的每日心情
    2022-5-1 19:36
  • 签到天数: 41 天


    发表于 2020-5-12 13:58:41 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 EatingFlower 于 2020-5-12 14:14 编辑
    & P/ Z  ^* `& J/ g2 {; `, R
    1 Z1 N& t0 V- p; Q. b4 S不一定看是因为奢侈品吧,有可能是他很忙,所以一直看表 / 某种习惯性行为 - 微表情之类的(假如his指代the farmer)3 a7 f" ^6 i# Q
    所以还是看看上下文,怎么描述这两个人和这个记者的吧. D1 e" s9 @4 G1 n
    我觉得chunky就是说这个表很笨重,通过体积大突出显眼,所以就很容易被人注意到,其次记者这么说,可能平时也觉得这个表挺碍事的(我就是这么觉得。。或者记者觉得,不就是块表吗,被这么紧盯着有点怵,所以就用了chunky这个词)- 或者反过来说,因为这表被盯着,所以被盯着的记者就觉得这玩意儿怎么看怎么大
    + H/ U! {( Y( H" h0 n* {# D# P# h6 u, D
    3 L* N+ r% [9 D, D不过,前面两个人都是说她们以...为生/生存状态,那这个人看表的行为又不可能是自己平时的习惯性行为,所以,从这点来看,his指代这个记者会可能性大一点。另外也跟最后一句reveal much about how extremely poor people think 形成某种照应0 o; S  n! q* ~: P2 X% I( b

    ( W+ V/ M$ W# O( r5 p" d: z, E
    - Q/ _1 c/ }+ z0 }# J) C, w+ q* s# r+ k/ A4 Q1 q( D
  • TA的每日心情
    6 天前
  • 签到天数: 633 天


    发表于 2020-5-12 14:47:50 | 显示全部楼层
    The best parts of the book are the sections in which Mr Caparrós interviews hungry people. He hangs out with a woman who scavenges a rubbish tip in Argentina, with an Indian widow who has been left to die in a holy city and with a peasant farmer in Niger who keeps glancing at his chunky digital watch. He asks stupid questions, as good journalists do, and gets answers that reveal much about how extremely poor people think.( _- O& M+ P/ G) i  R" }( O5 }& y" d
    如果chunky digital watch觉得不具有说服力,再往后看看,后面那个he与his连接得如些之近,如果不指代同一人,说明这作者写作就有问题。5 a# Z9 ]9 b. M/ j
  • TA的每日心情
    2021-1-11 21:26
  • 签到天数: 313 天


    发表于 2020-5-12 20:39:09 | 显示全部楼层
    Bartleby 发表于 2020-5-12 14:472 |- i0 P7 C1 z0 W0 U9 Z
    The best parts of the book are the sections in which Mr Caparrós interviews hungry people. He hangs ...

    + g' s: B; [1 T" m' q- Z2 Q不太明白两个离得近,就非得指的是同一人吗?9 b; D3 I+ M4 @) \* M* k7 A
    这是两个句子,who那个从句是修饰peasant的,从语法的角度,也可以说his指的是peasant,不是吗?那可是在同一句里啊,难道不比跨句离得更近?/ E% |+ Z, Z& A+ i& p# z. K2 `
    窃以为,his的所指在两可的情况下,应该是借助语义,而非语法来做出判断0 g& w' [+ c5 F- W* h  c
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