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[学习讨论] 今天的高级听力。CNN怎么报道的中国神舟载人飞船发射的。



发表于 2021-6-20 07:52:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
今天的高级听力。CNN怎么报道的中国神舟载人飞船发射的。* d- A7 ]) _( G: \/ e5 y- D  B/ s
, a0 t$ z4 w3 n7 W/ _
. a# v  n2 I, x; h5 [$ N2 {
& `. x  F% g7 u' @! y3 W我的听写稿。经 Jim 校对过。
' i+ i) h/ d$ A) f( _6 j$ u8 _  J& R( o3 B" i  X( ?: ^! M& r
**8 [0 x2 X- i6 ~  S$ E
Three astronauts bound for the Heavenly Palace. That's China's space station still under construction. From a launchpad in the Gobi Desert, the rocket ship, dubbed the Divine Vessel, blasting off, designed to arrive at its destination in just six and a half hours, but at a total length of 65 feet and a living space of just 50 cubic meters, these astronauts are going into orbit in a capsule a bit larger than a city bus. Any claustrophobic thought? Surely forgotten - when the men do two planned space walks to install equipment on the exterior of the space station. Inside, they'll test the tech in the living area, and run experiments. Two more laboratory modules are expected to be launched in upcoming missions, with the aims of having the space station fully operational by the end of next year.
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剩余部分; m9 [6 ~* G: a- x  ^' V

6 k1 Z; s4 A+ ?; x' c

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3 g0 I% O% {8 j4 bPan.
9 T) K! d! {4 M7 \5 r/ @) r( D% `& y





 楼主| 发表于 2021-6-20 07:53:45 | 显示全部楼层
为听写方便,可以用录音软件把它录音为mp3,然后用复读软件听写。这样效率高。! f) N7 U+ W! W$ i, t0 P6 Y  [
1 j) A$ z0 j; G9 e+ `6 F# x


请问楼主用什么复刻软件比较好,能否推荐一下。谢谢。  发表于 2021-6-20 09:32
  • TA的每日心情
    2023-10-29 10:13
  • 签到天数: 310 天


    发表于 2021-6-20 09:35:22 | 显示全部楼层


     楼主| 发表于 2021-6-20 09:37:42 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 pan 于 2021-6-20 09:39 编辑 ) R% @( W+ T7 j6 W5 z
    pan 发表于 2021-6-20 07:53. q9 I. z1 n( Y- h, v* D, ~
    为听写方便,可以用录音软件把它录音为mp3,然后用复读软件听写。这样效率高。* e( @  z. }; T8 l; ^0 x8 Q
    . r* C* o' E) q  ]! F: ?( ?
    Pan.  ...
    + q+ W5 [/ i0 T0 y0 s1 _' ?0 X

    4 G8 ?+ U5 B3 _) j7 m+ h9 u, l回复2楼的Gyn朋友:  n2 G  B% j% j
    ; T$ L* ~) L! h5 u9 h8 O0 z, _
    . q! x  K  A; y0 j/ \7 {/ S8 h/ B  d' P5 h) o0 C
    我是在手机上复读的,然后在电脑上或纸上或在另一台手机上写。. M2 T% L2 {- \
    , D( F' c( u0 @7 O3 X
    手机上好用的复读软件太多了。个人推荐 经典复读机;AB Repeat Player 等。! k8 u8 q0 f' S3 _
    6 U& s& w1 p* k$ A$ w4 r! L- i
  • TA的每日心情

    昨天 13:47
  • 签到天数: 1448 天


    发表于 2023-3-31 17:08:04 | 显示全部楼层
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