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[经验心得] Build a Talking Dictionary with Alexa

  • TA的每日心情
    2022-10-7 09:22
  • 签到天数: 832 天


    发表于 2021-9-21 14:31:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    本帖最后由 wei66 于 2021-9-22 03:52 编辑
    5 a8 V0 N- H5 M8 s
    ' `2 d3 y' k9 L$ HAI, CLOUD COMPUTING
    7 t$ `7 }! T* ~; ^  d9 ?! yBuild a Talking Dictionary with Alexa, Y, B- F, |# ^% @/ s5 [

    " r. h: t* N: Yhttps://abszeroblog.wordpress.co ... talking-dictionary/
    ' t# p$ _: l7 S6 }' Qhttps://github.com/gopal-amlekar/oxford-dictionary-alexa
    * X' j1 h- S$ w8 x7 H; k( {- O( h& V' r3 n! ]3 s, u* g
    9 p3 i7 T: }7 T7 R# F) g) X, t, r+ o3 S' V8 {& o  c: z& S+ n7 Z
    5 {" H# z% F+ N! [
    How do you spell pronunciation?+ v8 i5 S  B* B7 G" Z, L8 S7 S* M4 [
    pronunciation 這個字怎麼拼?! M  f) N! e" S. U
    What is 8 times 6?
    ) b3 s) V! J5 y( _: [8乘以6等於多少?. e% v" v8 [4 N. X! N9 I% ?
    What is 19 plus 57?
    2 q1 D" ]8 ]% w+ F( I# t( @19加57等於多少?8 p, c* c9 R" x
    How many people live in the United States?0 D5 |, C$ |' P
    : q1 R: M2 q* C5 S1 U2 A( hHow many countries are there in the world?% n& A; P" [8 ?1 r; c
    世界上有多少國家 ?* t8 p, Y9 D& Q: I* F; Q
    What is the highest mountain?
    2 ~9 @: ?, @  W9 U世界上最高的山是哪一座?
    5 f; h/ D) \7 R, ]: e8 ?% T: B+ PWhat are the planets in the Solar System?
    8 W5 |: S2 u. U0 F& X. Z3 x5 Y0 ^" r太陽系裡的行星有哪些?
    ( \3 @+ q3 Z, u8 R3 Z- ?Who is the first U.S. president?
    0 h& D3 ]* d& _5 j# {2 Q$ N第一任美國總統是誰?
    / \2 c$ k4 \! e5 a# n( a/ lWho is George Washington?
    : J* a8 \0 K5 Z4 A: ?誰是喬治華盛頓?5 k4 d, w% l) g* U( }6 D) X3 {
    問天氣或時間、設定倒數計時2 j% [; h% D) C4 t' k/ o
    What is the weather in XXX City?
    ; i, [6 d" E  W0 B現在XXX市的天氣如何?/ D# j- Z& |3 j( k
    What time is it now?+ b7 o9 G! O! q) C" {6 F
    " ?' ^! {  k$ v1 l  q4 L6 S; pAlexa, please set a timer for 20 minutes.! I) y* s$ j  Y  }) R( T) [
    Alexa,請幫我設定一個20分鐘的倒數計時: x/ S+ X$ U8 `$ \1 U
    * n9 q# N* c: s1 [( FWhen is Chinese New Year for 2018?
    - u8 i5 e: f1 f! {2018年的農曆新年是哪一天?
    ) c  `7 d1 ^9 ~0 oWhen is the next Warriors game?
    - p  s$ S+ N6 x, pNBA 金州勇士隊的下一場比賽是什麼時候?
    2 z" U8 `7 W% X. S: N+ c' n4 ]. @2 FWhat was the score of the last Warriors game?
    1 I5 B$ j, S+ a& y7 H上一場金州勇士隊比賽的比數是什麼?
    9 p3 q1 a3 [6 I4 |0 s$ p放音樂7 ]6 A6 l, J  a$ x( K
    Play classical music from Pandora. B$ n* g% x! w3 `; Q
    從Pandora 音樂服務裡放一些古典音樂給我聽( F; l* }! _8 l8 X7 P$ x; p
    Play “Do You Want to Build a Snowman?”
    ) K% t" Z6 i9 Z5 u; X" `放冰雪奇緣裡的歌曲「Do You Want to Build a Snowman?」給我聽
      S  l& U$ Z' hPlay some Christmas songs.! f$ E$ e9 F; x8 J) O
    / c5 s) m: ?7 x3 h6 E/ t! x8 E找樂子
    ; `  G8 ?% P% T* H+ tAlexa, tell me a joke, please.' c+ u; {& b/ H
    Alexa,請講個笑話給我聽8 z* S6 D8 C  F0 m+ e' t) ^
    Where does Santa Claus live?( C' X' n5 v+ d8 U
    2 C1 A1 \6 A4 hAlexa, when were you born?% y! \$ ]* \" p1 r$ v
    Alexa,妳是什麼時候出生的?) N- N+ a- r, G1 T3 _5 a

    . `9 h; x9 B0 B% B& E: t
    : ?! X2 @) I6 r: h个人推荐直接问某个单词是什么意思,会语音回答英文定义和例句。
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