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[学习求助] 怎么翻译 “大象/恐龙 是地球上有过的最大生物”

  • TA的每日心情
    2022-7-12 09:44
  • 签到天数: 83 天


    发表于 2022-5-17 16:30:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    本帖最后由 弹钢琴 于 2022-5-17 17:55 编辑 0 V2 {$ A9 q. _$ [' w
    % I  m( g- l- Y$ D. s9 y
    Elephants have been the largest creatures to roam the earth.0 s/ w/ O) E/ D( `4 e
    Elephants are the largest creatures that have ever roamed the earth.+ K1 n/ y1 V9 |
    Dinosaurs were the largest creatures that ever roamed the earth.
    ( R$ D% ~/ Z- TDinosaurs were the largest creatures to ever roam the earth.
    6 T& M9 z2 Q1 D% \- R8 C& a5 x& [8 Q) m: i4 d: |

    # j+ j  E4 |- S0 _8 u, M( V+ \# W6 h翻译牵扯到时态的问题,我写的这四个句子是否正确?
  • TA的每日心情
    2023-3-23 18:54
  • 签到天数: 566 天


    发表于 2022-5-17 17:30:41 | 显示全部楼层
    用这个搜搜看! |5 s* y& R/ J& P' i: K
    ; h- Z3 [3 G- r. ^% F" s4 e3 |; ?  J% ~1 y4 G+ r
    His team believes that it was the largest dinosaur ever to walk the earth.9 `7 m8 x' H6 B7 o. o1 X/ G$ ?

    : P4 j/ @7 m7 a" f$ C0 U& M" k+ |8 `Modern-day baleen whales are among the largest creatures that have ever lived
    5 I( Z+ b& N8 ?( w$ v, A- P! I- j. ]1 i8 q0 I
  • TA的每日心情
    2022-7-12 09:44
  • 签到天数: 83 天


     楼主| 发表于 2022-5-17 17:52:21 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 弹钢琴 于 2022-5-17 18:15 编辑
    5 j" U7 _. r% p% M/ @6 g1 V$ `% h0 {
    CrystalSA 发表于 2022-5-17 17:30* n1 z+ y4 m, Y  N6 S) Z$ n' r
    0 y$ b2 y- g2 q; N( ~* o6 thttps://ludwig.guru/

    0 u0 M) k" P6 h: \/ c
    ! V' i* q/ v( \6 K那和我的研究结果是吻合的5 z+ U8 ~: z5 a) v5 _4 S) W3 t

    " t% z" l7 z* m9 @/ h再举两例:: C1 m9 I: h4 i7 H
    % M/ Z, |/ e; n& tYao has been the first Asian basketball player to play the NBA all-star game.. y: N: q* R4 t- J: x, t* P
    Yao is the first Asian basketball player who has played the NBA all-star game.
    2 {) W) i1 v" s4 ~6 P$ p& T. e( o  j* g( Q5 y( t. |) h
      s5 C+ ?5 Z& G9 H9 Q1 uXu Yuanchong was the first Asian translator to receive the "Aurora Borealis" Price for Outstanding Translation of Fiction Literature.
    ) e8 ?- d9 Q0 m7 L! kXu was the first Asian translater who received the reward.
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