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[词典讨论] 比较牛津高阶英英第九版和第十版释义:因何而delirious?



 楼主| 发表于 2020-3-6 09:52:47 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 Popular 于 2020-3-6 09:53 编辑
. F; `( Y: V5 _6 I
0 x5 i. A9 }* |! B% d- r从各位提供的意见和资料中,可以知道里头的high temperature有所根据,这里先谢过大家,针锋相对的部份也请海涵。
/ I1 u5 p4 M) r5 O( c9 t: D7 ^5 v8 m, ~2 i0 y6 E
我认为旧释义既然写usually,那because of fever可以接受,也不必包括全部导致delirious/delirium的原因。' g- Z3 z+ X, ~
. D# t7 A/ l, M3 i
我关注的是新释义......usually because of a high temperature,一般母语者会觉得表达地道自然,还是感觉模糊或不妥当,诸如儿语化或为迁就非母语者水平的非惯用表达方式。


 楼主| 发表于 2020-3-7 20:09:59 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 Popular 于 2020-3-7 20:18 编辑 ) t1 K( [' D# D
3 s5 c6 o1 b0 A. T8 x
) h& j) ?7 D2 c# H6 [9 i顺便再分享另外两词的释义变化:
) E' \& F8 u) g. b' O& [! s# j1 Z+ Z) q9 d0 u$ u
牛8:1 `8 w8 ^  {( ]% {8 }0 M/ L3 W
catfish (noun) " z* ]0 C. T- K  j1 p
(plural catfish)* q' F- j7 r* v- {/ e) Z, r
1. a large fish with long stiff hairs, like a cat's whiskers, around its mouth. There are several types of catfish, most of which are freshwater fish.2 j3 H1 @2 ?& L3 }8 f9 @
5 m, \) c; e' I/ A  `1 @# S2 ?4 S  ~6 N$ w! m6 W
  h: O; t0 O7 P  u- [, C2 J) dcatfish (noun)
. v* E& N4 m* |/ |(plural catfish)) b# F+ S& P5 d! P
1. a large fish with long stiff hairs, like a cat's whiskers, around its mouth. There are several types of catfish, most of which are freshwater fish.
0 U( g- c! n2 w" o" d$ k5 k2. (slang) a person who pretends to be somebody else, usually somebody who does not really exist, on a social networking website in order to deceive other people4 h) q! H6 g8 X) G2 B) g
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 I  b( p" _0 {8 N% `
- G! s" u+ o# C! f- I7 [
牛10:( R0 f0 Z3 Z$ _4 A
catfish (noun)
* D+ }+ w8 E' F: ]5 W. ?(plural catfish)
  O# u4 w' i+ A; N# C; n1. ​a large fish with long stiff hairs, like a cat’s whiskers, around its mouth. There are several types of catfish, most of which are freshwater fish.4 v) I. l9 b% M, o0 I! N  n
​2. (US English, informal) a person who pretends to be somebody else, usually somebody who does not really exist, on social media in order to trick somebody into having a relationship online
6 R, y# H" a% f( i# u4 J. m4 ~1 F, d: b% T) o  z, A9 U
catfish (verb)
+ P. |3 R' c  D% s1. ​[intransitive] to fish for catfish
5 D5 S9 ]0 X7 ]4 l  Q+ o   *go catfishing I used to go catfishing with my dad.0 g$ W+ @2 I& ?( e
​2. [transitive, usually passive] (US English, informal) to pretend to be somebody else on social media in order to trick somebody into having a relationship online
( D* E; e) f# ?2 C" K   *be/get catfished My cousin got catfished by a guy she met online.7 y/ l. B3 P' ^; _* s( ~
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8 r2 T: b) I; ^4 Z7 h

, w. I6 ]5 d+ w3 U' A* l& I另外还有widow&widower释义也跟随一些大型词典的脚步......
  \! f( V$ ^9 Q2 @! |牛9(原本释义)0 Q+ L/ u7 `" F  I% y+ H
widow noun
0 g% Z$ i. t% S& O4 h* B' na woman whose husband has died and who has not married again
+ s7 V6 ^0 z  a: M  F. B5 e+ ~7 YShe gets a widow’s pension.7 T- n- W  C8 Y3 X: r: f8 d+ x

( A3 [, q% n2 l4 f% j# e2 Iwidower noun& k2 k0 x+ `1 \# l1 Q3 n: Y: |
​a man whose wife has died and who has not married again
4 `, n9 ]2 A# A9 ~-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------) I; w+ T. u! q& T; @, p/ L* e' z
; x8 }9 C! H7 j; s3 u0 _
牛10(新释义,包括了:女男、女女、男女、男男): |  `: V. F( @2 _& A# ~
widow noun) B2 z- a9 b6 n2 M- k
a woman whose husband or wife has died and who has not married again
5 j3 v5 W( y- Z& `: [8 X/ ZShe gets a widow’s pension.5 Z9 K, f0 {0 v2 B6 V
# n5 k4 b5 |. @4 q
widower noun
3 k4 x0 f0 w6 @: m# X; ]+ b3 L) s​a man whose wife or husband has died and who has not married again$ y' ?# u0 [( I( n4 t
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------) l; q; g( a# e. O* M
9 ~/ ~+ A" s& }% w4 A) Z! g
当然以上释义未能包括娶了虚拟偶像初音未来的日本人在初音未来软件完全瘫痪修复失败后婚姻方面的身份定义,- D) O6 O( _3 v6 {
还有奇风异俗娶动物如鳄鱼之类的...... 唉,就说到这里罢 。


发表于 2020-4-13 16:27:27 | 显示全部楼层
% ]0 g0 x' n& k7 S# M3 B8 e1 E5 \In a state of delirium...核心释义单词是delirium9 h# o$ f, x( z! x
再看delirium:7 C& [- l/ s  [# ^& `
a temporary state of extreme mental excitement, marked by restlessness(躁动), confused speech(说胡话) and hallucinations(出现幻觉)...三个主要病征


 楼主| 发表于 2020-4-13 20:44:38 | 显示全部楼层
MYsedulous 发表于 2020-4-13 16:27
7 c+ C  w/ h) v" Y我这边抄抄WNW的释义:
; B' S! S; t! G2 }In a state of delirium...核心释义单词是delirium
& c) R. k9 P- |8 w  ?2 n4 _- g再看delirium:

! s: X% X; Q8 W; ^1 m+ ?5 }3 U谢谢留言。我开贴讨论过后也去翻了几本母语词典,虽然不能真的驾驭,也多少能感觉到当中的不同,这才开始明白学习型词典就是这么一回事。个人浅见,近年出版的学习型词典的释义不值得研究,加紧学习和提升英语能力才是正确方向。


发表于 2020-4-15 15:07:04 | 显示全部楼层
Popular 发表于 2020-4-13 20:44
" D! v6 v0 n: Q1 @+ n+ n谢谢留言。我开贴讨论过后也去翻了几本母语词典,虽然不能真的驾驭,也多少能感觉到当中的不同,这才开始 ...

7 N# ~9 @8 V+ A4 P1 |/ z个人认为,解释深刻的必须是母语词典,有条件的话,还可以多备几本。


 楼主| 发表于 2020-4-15 15:55:20 | 显示全部楼层
MYsedulous 发表于 2020-4-15 15:07
, [' N2 k9 Z4 C0 j' l2 y个人认为,解释深刻的必须是母语词典,有条件的话,还可以多备几本。
0 }! e6 q" Y( }3 ~6 {- b/ ^
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