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楼主: entropy

[词典校勘] 韦泊英汉快查词典改进



 楼主| 发表于 2023-10-24 17:35:52 | 显示全部楼层
9 h0 f- x: w0 H“I can't believe you fell for that old joke!” “Yeah, I guess I walked right into that one.” “真不敢相信你会喜欢那个老掉牙的笑话!”“是啊,我也不知怎么就迷上它了。”1 M9 o/ |% i/ n

- f' B( M( G" h“真不敢相信你会被那个老掉牙的恶作剧骗!”“是啊,我想我直接就进了圈套。”


 楼主| 发表于 2023-11-4 10:08:54 | 显示全部楼层
shallot& l( S$ b/ y5 k% t# P, L
a small type of onion that is used in cooking 青葱;大葱, d+ P7 V( t- J# m6 Z' M5 y

8 X/ i, e1 s7 @$ V: u! H) p  C火葱;红葱头。7 r% q7 h3 Q2 S9 h: N, H$ F
一种小洋葱。' b* O% }. m% d# ]0 E


 楼主| 发表于 2024-1-13 11:48:41 | 显示全部楼层
set' J/ {: v5 G5 H. G
' ]8 d) @7 D: H2 ]+ H$ q  k
mathematics : a group of numbers, points, etc.(数字、小数点等的)集,集合/ L" a2 K, z# w( F0 N, `% t
小数点 > 点。
) h7 C" m- V6 g+ n- l$ `1 ~
+ ?$ f/ G/ B7 E% j0 ba finite set of points 有尽的点集
2 N! e6 U5 i  c3 j. i有限点集。


 楼主| 发表于 2024-1-26 18:51:29 | 显示全部楼层
storyboard5 V2 W- P' i: Z5 S
a series of drawings or pictures that show the changes of scenes and actions for a movie, television show, etc.(电影、电视节目等的)剧情梗概系列图片1 k& E8 y9 h$ c7 ~! y2 y8 N

: ?0 u, P* H5 n/ B2 S5 d6 ^- N3 ?. ?剧情梗概系列图片 > 分镜。


 楼主| 发表于 2024-4-13 22:07:22 | 显示全部楼层
& w' R5 [7 C4 J$ e% u4 Ea set of cards that a player has in a card game (such as poker) that are all of the same suit (such as diamonds) 同花顺
5 o9 E. f) [! H0 v" i. j同花顺 > 同花。(例句作同样修改)0 d& b' L4 q" Z* i

& {' P3 |+ c* H7 U. {8 Y* M- astraight flush
+ M5 v/ Z! }3 j) R$ w! a, p( m5 ca hand of playing cards in poker that contains five cards of the same suit in sequence (such as a five, a six, a seven, an eight, and a nine of clubs) 顺子(扑克牌的五张连牌)9 ~: ?2 {3 p. O, Z
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