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[词典讨论] 从orthopedics看英汉词典



发表于 2017-6-3 07:58:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
查orthopedics,英汉词典给出的解释,基本都是矫形外科,整形外科,没有看到一个“骨”字。6 ~# T. p; m/ \& @7 r! s% h
+ ]! O+ q+ D+ O. j- Y* u8 ~估计是天下词典一大抄的缘故。0 D. V: ^- b2 H- \0 k7 C0 Z
或者我孤陋寡闻,不懂专业。- T( r- C* o6 {' C


发表于 2017-6-3 20:09:46 | 显示全部楼层
  • TA的每日心情
    2023-2-15 04:29
  • 签到天数: 72 天


    发表于 2017-6-4 19:02:47 | 显示全部楼层
    从构成上看,ortho-这个前缀,表明矫形术是更符合词源的译法。5 m2 h9 p* s6 V9 m  h1 U4 n
  • TA的每日心情
    2023-2-15 04:29
  • 签到天数: 72 天


    发表于 2017-6-4 19:03:22 | 显示全部楼层


     楼主| 发表于 2017-6-4 21:16:42 | 显示全部楼层
    共同研习 发表于 2017-6-4 19:02- Z' E$ v9 z5 e3 o
    2 F6 A  C' }/ M, W" [矫形术应该只是骨科的一个分支。

    5 D6 S1 [' r1 w; W# ]感谢共同研习。
    " z' X! A" H) @9 |, d# c) H5 z我又看了一下英英词典,大多数是指儿童时期因不良习惯或疾病导致脊柱等骨骼或关节及相关肌肉变形后对其进行矫正的科学和手术。
    # @0 v- [0 x8 C: s至于骨骼里面发生的其他病变,好像不包括。


    发表于 2017-6-8 12:31:14 | 显示全部楼层
    你看一下权威的 Oxford Dictionaryof English 3e:
    3 d9 M  E: K- s) S$ ?==================================================
    1 f* y6 Y7 T, W" e$ O! X/ L# morthopaedics/ˌɔːθəˈpiːdɪks /
    ; [& B' z$ t% J% ]4 u(US orthopedics)
    ( }: ^! h( w2 `, g- N# uplural noun [treated as singular]6 [" e- }, m! }( X6 ?* C) J) O
    The branch of medicine dealing with the correction of deformities of bones or muscles.2 X# M; f$ f2 b9 T
    His professional interests were in metastatic paraplegia and paediatric orthopaedics....After a firm grounding in orthopaedics he entered general practice.0 o2 l& L* b1 f  r
    Most of the work will be in orthopaedics and ophthalmology - specialties with the longest waiting lists.) }9 Y1 _/ k0 B4 Y& d5 p) c# E
    : `1 T. |( z& E. ^7 F4 Q" u/ sorthopaedist/ˌɔːθəˈpiːdɪst / noun ...After referral to a pediatric orthopedist, she was diagnosed with idiopathic juvenile osteoporosis.: U% ~9 K/ I8 K" O7 ^* Y* T$ B
    If the examination is positive, referral to an orthopedist may be a better strategy than MRI because of the latter's relatively low specificity.
    2 Y& ~, t7 J4 o/ HI believe this problem, however, is greatly overdiagnosed by sports orthopedists, who are used to treating inflexible football players rather than flexible swimmers.
    & I7 k* ~5 f! xOrigin, x' e/ h' X! X  K
    Mid 19th century (originally relating specifically to children): from French orthopédie, from Greek orthos 'right or straight' + paideia 'rearing of children'.! g( o, Z, P: y9 v
    & {/ P4 ?# }' `) A) P) A" @7 ?从中可以看出“矫形外科学”比较准确,$ {1 P! O# e- l. M

    7 k/ J; |4 B( K- m- R再查<牛津.外研社英汉汉英词典>
    ' L( n8 J: z* N0 E“骨科”为
    * a4 B0 H0 h" X5 \$ d% M  R3 tdepartment of orthopaedics9 j, d# U9 L* j+ g. c, i
    再跳查:orthopaedics ,释义为:
    2 g* n) S2 y* i[BrE] 整形外科
    9 e& d& y/ R$ E, O% f$ Y0 [8 T* the orthopaedics department 整形外科
    * s1 s) N# h2 B/ r' q再跳查中文“整形外科”,结果为:) Q$ b! ?8 f3 n( B$ p
    plastic surgery+ s* h/ o' }% r5 K" Y: ~
    ' g0 E5 e4 t5 F+ z, M4 G: I


    发表于 2017-6-8 12:35:51 | 显示全部楼层
    ncq001 发表于 2017-6-8 12:31# W6 a3 P7 Y! u1 r: Y
    你看一下权威的 Oxford Dictionaryof English 3e:
    & u  j) \/ G2 e( S0 t==================================================, s2 A" _* B6 R/ S. b

    ' `3 Q) M7 L6 p再查新牛2双解:
    7 H* N8 V- W6 W9 m* yplastic surgery  释义为:" I0 T2 O  a7 s* e7 H1 l6 F$ {
    整形外科,整复外科0 c; Q8 X! L4 A/ f( ~0 y( `+ p5 ~
    3 ^$ I  b4 ]% Q7 d
    ====================. g( }& }* J' |4 f5 [
    查美国传统双解4,plastic surgery  释义为:1 R1 B& E6 @0 n- u+ B0 z
    " ?. r8 f" N& j$ p
    + o9 i) @: Y7 f6 R) M============================
    - u+ c5 D7 l! t8 @" p2 [9 l' e查牛津高阶8,plastic surgery  释义为:; V2 Y/ c* K$ P
    整形手术;整形外科( G' e& s; N9 s# m

    ; _/ |, r& q$ n& e=================================/ Q6 W  c+ I' H% S! H1 D, ?
    查 柯林斯高阶双解5 ,plastic surgery释义为:
    : Q! a/ A" ~: y- ]" Z! S5 V整形外科
    - D' g/ v5 g2 Z==================================  \- Y; R5 O/ k9 K+ m, y$ J
    ( Q: ]) w. r* R( V5 ?


    感谢。 的确是“矫正”的意思。 另外,plastic多指美容的整形。  发表于 2017-6-8 16:07
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